Stop Immigration Rally: Saturday 13 May, 12pm, Parliament House Melbourne


A Stop Immigration Rally will be held tomorrow on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament House in Melbourne’s CBD.

The flier reads:

“On Saturday the 13th of May, there will be a rally against immigration outside of Parliament House.

“We are organising against the government’s planned importation of over 700,000 immigrants in the next 2 years.

”This rally is open to all Australians who want to see an end to the housing crisis, lowered wages and rising crime caused by mass immigration.

”Make your voice heard.”

As reported by XYZ News, an unprecedented 650,000 mass immigrants are projected to arrive in Australia in the next two years. A special report fro the Herald Sun revealed this number may be as high as 600,000 in the next financial year alone. Already a minority in our own country, this threatens to completely swamp native White Australians.

During lockdown, Australians were given a temporary reprieve from mass immigration, thus wages and infrastructure had time to recover. with the floodgates reopened, it is a mammoth task merely to rent a unit in Melbourne.

There are now so many people from so many different parts of the world in Australia that pitched battles between rival non-White groups is not uncommon in the heart of Melbourne.

Last decade’s Reclaim Australia protests were promising, however their focus was solely on Islamisation, triggered by the rapid advance of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the European Migrant Crisis and a wave of Islamic terrorist attacks throughout the West. Many Aussies have come to understand that it isn’t just Islamic immigration, but all immigration which threatens our way of life and our very survival as a people.

The Liberal Party is in turmoil after it expelled one of its members for saying that women are women. Now is the time to put pressure on purportedly “conservative” politicians to represent the people they purport to represent. Either they will take action on mass immigration or we will replace them.

XYZ News urges all Aussie patriots to get to the steps of Victoria’s Parliament House tomorrow at noon to Let Aussies Speak.

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