The Awful and Misogynistic Armchair Admirals

Just in case some readers assumed that it was an exaggeration to title my last post, “And Women Rule Over Us“, the female New Zealand Minister of Defense held a press conference with a...

Payman Chickens Out On Muslim Party

In July, Fatima Payman was kicked out of the Labour Party because she sided with her coreligionists in a war nobody cares about in the Middle East. She threatened to set up her own...

And Women Rule Over Us

You know the one about the gods make mad first those that they destroy, surely you’ve all heard that pithy quip. My preferred house of wreckage quote goes more along biblical lines.  12 As for my...

Dying for dark gods

Right now, Aussies are enjoying the footy final and, at least in my part of the country, the long weekend. Daylight saving just started here in NSW. It’s warming up. Almost pool weather. Life...

Hitler was a Christian

There are a lot of people in the Nationalist movement who believe that Hitler wasn't a Christian and that he even was antagonistic to it. There are quotes from people who claimed inside knowledge...

Chinese Hate Crime Terrorist wanted “Revenge on White People”

This is both a hate crime and terrorism. From The Chinese national suspected of pouring hot coffee on a baby in a park wanted “revenge on white people” after he was denied another Australian visa,...

Martin Place Humiliation

It is natural and normal for a conquerer to build a monument or holy place on the ground of an important military victory, or over the holy sites of its subjugated foe. Islamic conquerers...

How to Fix the Australian Housing Market

This short video outlines the current state of the Australian housing market. Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide are now ranked in the top ten list of the least affordable housing markets in the world, with Sydney...

P. Diddy and the Pedo Elite

Jupplandia (2300 words) The Weinstein of Rap, the Epstein of Music-just how many such cases have to emerge before we look at these things without being afraid of the label ‘conspiracy theorist’? The gangster rap mogul Sean...

Bergoglio is the perfect Vatican II pope

In the Catholic world today, you either accept Vatican II or you reject Vatican II. If you reject Vatican II then you are a sedevacantist, you know, those crazy people. All other positions accept...

Dictator Dan is Toast

Strong evidence indicates that in 2013, a drunk Daniel Andrews crashed his car into a teenage cyclist, then relied on a corrupt Victoria Police force to cover up the crime. From Sky News: An expert review...

The Public Sin of Elle Macpherson

Australian celebrity and ex-supermodel Elle Macpherson is in the news for the awful crimes of thinking for herself, disregarding the views of experts, and practicing body autonomy. Elle’s misstep with polite society was to...

The real reason the Australian government is banning kids from social media

Remember that time a homosexual cross dressing child groomer was prevented from reading subversive literature to children in a public library due to the rightful outrage of locals, so the Victorian government intervened to...

Good People who Live in Evil Societies

In this article I wish to expand my thoughts that I expressed in my previous piece, Only Societies that Treat Women as Property Survive. I have no doubt that the ideas in that article and...

Victoria’s lockdown debt only the tip of the iceberg

Rebekah Barnett The most locked down state in the world is spending $26 million a day – $9.4 billion a year – on interest alone to service lockdown-driven debt A leading credit rating agency has blamed...

How to Destroy Their Democracies

Jim of Jim’s Blog has posted a definition of the left and right in regards to politics. What interests me is not his definition of the left, but rather that of the right. rightism has no...

QANDA Panellists Waffle in Defence of Multiculturalism

Last Monday, on their ABC’s QandA, a very brave Australian woman was somehow allowed to question the official religion of the Australian Regime: Multiculturalism. Response is wrong. #Multiculturalism is not a "Nation", which is a...

Only Societies that Treat Women as Property Survive

Over at Sigma Frame there is a discussion on whether the onus should be on women to control themselves and police each other as regards to matters of fornication. This was prompted by a...

Green Foods Fail Olympics

The first occupants of the Olympic Village in Paris quickly taught the caterers that athletes did not favour their “climate-friendly” diet of things like avocados on toast plus almond-milk coffee. The athletes demanded more...

When Russia Begins, the World Will Hold its Breath

A quick update on my blogroll links. Gone are Larry Johnson and Andrei Martyanov. The former because once a CIA spook then always a CIA spook. The latter because while he does occasionally have...