First Aid for Flicker Power

Wind and solar energy have a fatal flaw – intermittency. Solar generators won’t run on moon-beams – they stop as the sun goes down and every time that clouds block the sun. This happens at...

President Poopypants Quits

The next move in the political theatre that is the current US Presidential election has been played, with geriatric President Joe Biden stepping down: On Sunday afternoon (US time) Mr Biden declared it was in...

Judge hid Pfizer connections before blocking lawsuit, complaint alleges

Rebekah Barnett The impartiality of the Federal Court is in question in light of allegations that a judge concealed her connections to pharmaceutical giant Pfizer before dismissing a legal challenge over its Covid vaccine. Justice Helen...

Deep state dunces

One of the hallmarks of a collapsing civilisation is that the people who should have authority don’t and the people who do have authority are incompetent. When the Western Roman Empire collapsed, for example, the...

Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt

Never saw it coming…. Shots fired at Trump rally. Character assassination, failed. Attempt to deplete savings, failed. Attempt to silence, failed. Only option left, actual assassination attempt, FAILED. I’ve been saying repeatedly, double down on private security! — Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid)...

My Thoughts on Viganò

Editor: This article was published on 24 June 2024 at Pushing Rubber Downhill. In the fortnight since, Viganò was as expected excommunicated from the Catholic Church. This development makes Adam’s brief summary of the...

Winning the war on whiteness

It’s been years since I’ve listened to normie content. I used to drink deep of the sophistry from Ted Talks and ABC Radio National. I’d read the literary supplements in the weekend broadsheets and keep...

British set to Throw Out Foreign Invader PM

Dear all foreigners: Get out. Nobody asked you to come to our countries, and nobody wants you. From Al Jazeera: Keir Starmer is projected to be Britain’s next prime minister with his Labour Party set to...

Battery Balony, Hydrogen Hype and Green Fairy Tales

How low Australia has fallen – our once-great BHP now has a “Vice President for Climate”, the number of Australian students choosing physics at high school is collapsing, and our government opposes nuclear energy...

Fatima Payman shows what Multiculturalism really means

Australia’s multicultural establishment is hyperventilating because a multicultural senator is voting multiculturally. From Rogue Labor senator Fatima Payman says she has been ‘exiled’ by the party after the Prime Minister suspended her indefinitely on Sunday...

How Julian Assange Saved The World

Julian Assange is a free man after more than a decade of captivity as a political prisoner. Adam Piggott astutely observes why it now suits the ClownWorld Empire to cut him loose: “The images of...

Assange Freed

Julian Assange has been released from a UK prison and is on his way to Saipan Island where he will sit before a US federal judge and plead guilty to one charge of nobody...

Daniel Andrews rewarded for serving his globalist masters

The entire country is in uproar, and rightfully so, over the awarding of an AC to Dictator Dan: From AFR: Divisive former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews is facing calls to hand back the nation’s highest honour,...

Bandt to sue Dreyfus: If only our rulers cared this much about Aussies

The awkward moment when you’re forced to choose between ZOG and a communist. From the Dinosaur Media: Greens leader Adam Bandt has threatened Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus with legal action over remarks he made that Mr Bandt...

Net Zero burial of Carbon Dioxide?

The Queensland Government recently placed a ban on pumping and dumping carbon dioxide into the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin. This was an event rarely seen – politicians have stumbled onto a sensible energy...

A Man’s Mission on Earth

The Harrison Butker speech has been doing the rounds. For the record, I think in general it was an excellent speech. I could nitpick, but who of us is perfect? He has been accused...

Moderna shares rise on report US Government preparing funding for MRNA Bird Flu Vax

Tyler Durden Shares of Moderna are up more than 4% in the New York premarket trading session following a report by the Financial Times that the US government is preparing to “bankroll a late-stage trial...

A Godly Woman

Ten years ago my writing here was heavily weighted towards how to interact with women in the modern world. As always my writing was to the point and this can come across as hostility,...

Reap What You’ve Sown

I'm so glad I wrote that piece against Avi Yemeni in 2021. It got me kicked off the anti lockdown speakers circuit and placed on the watch list of the Jewish lobby groups, but...

Bird Flu and new Covid strain will kill us all: We need Lockdowns NOW

Everybody panic, it’s happening again. From Sky News: Several cases of bird flu have been detected at a farm in Victoria, prompting a swift quarantine of the property as global cases continue to rise. Agriculture Victoria on...