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Tag: mass immigration

Australia is an Unsuccessful Multicultural Dictatorship

Australia is the most successful multicultural democracy in the world, apparently. So successful that nobody wants to fight for it. So successful, that Federal Police...

1 MILLION MUSLIMS in Australia to “influence the outcome” of elections

This is excellent news, as it will encourage White Australians to vote White: From the Australian: Websites and companies ranking MP’s on support for Palestine and...

Third World Australia: Organised Squatting is now a Thing

When a national TV show airs advice on how to squat and get away with it, it’s a good sign you’re living in a...

Melbourne: Pro-Immigration Narrative Shattered In One Image

A diversity incident was captured on film today by a 9 News crew. It occurred in Victoria Street, Richmond, an inner-city suburb of Melbourne. An...

Pauline Hanson calls for Immigration Halt

It would have been nice of her to back Fraser Anning’s plebiscite motions in 2018 and 2019, but it is good nevertheless to see...

Does Dutton Want Nukes?

If we get nuclear power, I’m going back to 1985 and staying there. From Peter Dutton has doubled down on the Coalition’s decision to push...

Paradigm Shift: Malcolm Roberts Flags Zero Net Migration

Firstly, consider that domestic politics in the current year Australia is basically a matter of managing the indigenous Anglo population while we are systematically...

The Denial at the Heart of Australia’s Defence Strategy

In Tucker Carlson’s interview with Matt Benz, Benz noted that “NATO was publishing white papers saying that the biggest threat NATO faces is not...

Are the new boat people arrivals an inside job?

Just as Australia faces multiple crises of inflation, housing affordability and homelessness due to unprecedented mass immigration, a handful of boat people arrive in...

White Men will only go to War for a White Country

The inability of Globohomo to restock its armies with fresh recruits of White men has forced the tacit admission that they need us: In response,...