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Tag: Parliament House

Grooming event held today at Parliament House in Melbourne

A groomer event with children present was held at Parliament House, Melbourne, today. The grooming of children goes right to the top. It is government...

Antifa Terrorists ARRESTED by Victoria Police for attacking peaceful protesters

A peaceful protest by NSN activists has once again been marred by Antifa terrorist violence and Victoria Police obstruction. Today, Thomas Sewell’s men assembled...

Stop Immigration Rally: Saturday 13 May, 12pm, Parliament House Melbourne

A Stop Immigration Rally will be held tomorrow on the steps of Victoria’s Parliament House in Melbourne’s CBD. The flier reads: “On Saturday the 13th of...

Government which spies on us triggered that China might be spying...

The Australian government’s obsession with selling all of its public assets to China got so bad that it realised last year it would have...

Epic Video: Channel 9 Reporter gets taste of her own medicine

Based. Brad intimidates a reporter I’m Melbourne Sat arvo — Stacey Goodwin (@StaceyG18961759) February 4, 2023 Why doesn’t she want to answer any questions? If she’s...

Australian Federal Police used SOUND WEAPON on Canberra Convoy Protesters

This is called a Long Range Acoustic Device. This should be the biggest news story in the country, and the subject of a criminal enquiry. The...

Australian Government pledges over $60 million to combat “violent extremism” in...

The federal government is scrambling to bolster security after Parliament House and the Prime Minister were mobbed in successive days by ordinary Australians furious...

Aussies Besiege Parliament House

I can’t believe it has taken almost two years. Police holding the line — whatsdoinmedia (@whatsdoinmedia) January 31, 2022 Two years of lockdowns, vaccine mandates, mask...

Aboriginal activists attempt to STORM PARLIAMENT HOUSE

Some aboriginal activists attempted to storm Parliament House in Canberra today, the real one. More Footage — (@risemelbourne) January 13, 2022 The chaos. It’s beautiful. I...

ABC Bias: Old Parliament House Fire vs US Capital Protests

Watch how the ABC reported the first attack on Old Parliament House and the first fire that scorched the wooden doors. Notice how the...