Josh Frydenberg Refuses to Rein In Dictator Dan


A private member’s bill introduced by Pauline Hanson against vaccine mandates issued by state governments in Victoria, News South Wales and Queensland will dominate the last fortnight of federal parliament. Hanson has gained the support of several coalition senators, meaning the government has to negotiate:

Federal parliament’s last sitting fortnight of the year is on track to be plagued with roadblocks and chaos, with Coalition senators set to cross the floor and side with Pauline Hanson in protest of vaccine mandates.

The Senate will take centre stage over the coming two weeks, with Liberals Gerard Rennick and Alex Antic on track to withhold their vote on all legislation unless the Prime Minister takes stronger action on vaccine mandates.

Senator Rennick recently raised the issue of adverse reactions to so-called Covid “vaccines” on Sky News. This was one of the few times the true danger of these drugs has had any kind of airing on mainstream Australian television.

They are expected to be joined by Nationals senator Matt Canavan in crossing the floor to support One Nation leader Pauline Hanson’s anti-vaccine mandate private members Bill.

All four senators are hoping to send a clear message to Scott Morrison that vaccine mandates are cruel and unnecessary.

Vaccine mandates are indeed cruel and unnecessary. You are more likely to get sick or die from an adverse reaction to a Covid vaccine than you are to catch Covid or die with Covid if you are unvaccinated. Australia’s hospitals are currently being overwhelmed with patients suffering adverse reactions to Covid vaccines, and state governments are refusing to provide data on the true scale of the health crisis they are causing.

Despite the risks, people are being forced to choose between feeding their families and taking the dangerous vaccines.

The move could cause major headaches for the government, which is hoping to introduce controversial voter identification legislation and the Religious Discrimination Bill.

Note the framing here by the Lying Press. Forcing people to take a dangerous vaccine in order to keep their jobs is uncontroversial. Legislation to prevent the kind of election fraud seen during the 2020 American Presidential Election, and to provide some sort of protection to people who don’t believe little children should be manipulated into mutilating their genitals, is “controversial”.

More importantly, this is the first genuine attempt to rein in the dictatorial approach of state governments after almost 2 years of arbitrary lockdowns, police brutality and a callous disregard for the democratic process.

The response of Coalition cabinet ministers reveals their treachery. Josh Frydenberg is conveniently wanting to stay out of state politics:

These are matters for state governments.

I’ll tell you what I’m not backing off: the need for people to get the jab.

I absolutely agree that … employers have [the right to mandate vaccines in their workplaces]. So, too, the state governments under their own public health orders.

I think it has been really effective a to be honest, to see the vaccine uptake increase. I was out in the [Melbourne] CBD over the weekend and it was pumping. People moving about from venue to venue. Obviously, that is good news for our economy.

The government is being utterly two faced on this matter. It is attempting to signal to conservative voters that it supports their freedom. Prime Minister Scott Morrison has regularly lambasted state premiers, stating they should ease restrictions as soon as possible. Yet at the first genuine attempt to curtail the states’ worst excesses – literally mandating poison – senior Liberal and National politicians are saying that it is none of their business.

Regardless of whether Hanson and her ilk can draw concessions or even force state governments to repeal vaccine mandates, this is a good thing as it reveals the true nature of our political system.

Federal and state governments and the major parties all pretend to squabble. They signal to their voter base, while working together to achieve the same goals. The squabbling is designed to keep different classes of Australians pointing the finger at each other. Meanwhile, Daniel Andrews’ Victorian Labor government is beholden to the same international interests as Scott Morrison’s Federal Coalition government.

This is not an issue of federal versus state powers, or Liberal versus Labor. It is the globalist elite against the people.

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