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Tag: Daniel Andrews

Daniel Andrews rewarded for serving his globalist masters

The entire country is in uproar, and rightfully so, over the awarding of an AC to Dictator Dan: From AFR: Divisive former Victorian premier Daniel Andrews...

Dictator Dan Cancels Commonwealth Games: But we’re still getting a referendum

What’s he going to do next, cancel Christmas? Oh. Remember Covid? The Commonwealth Games Federation was only given eight hours notice about the Victorian government’s sudden...

Brisbane is the real ‘most liveable’ city

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen The Economist’s ‘Most Liveable City’ must surely rank near the top of all the stupid ‘awards’ handed out. The Economist Intelligence Unit...

Rumours Daniel Andrews will QUIT: Will he flee Victoria?

Rumours are swirling today that Daniel Andrews is tired of being a dictator and wants to open a factory in Bangladesh where he will...

Dictator Dan slugs Victorians to pay Covid Debt

Remember when the government payed everybody to stay home and binge watch zombie shows because of a pandemic which never happened? The older this gets...

Grooming event held today at Parliament House in Melbourne

A groomer event with children present was held at Parliament House, Melbourne, today. The grooming of children goes right to the top. It is government...

Fag Andrews flies Pedo Freak Flag

Australian politicians are falling over themselves to virtue signal to pedo freaks in the wake of the epic rally on the steps of Melbourne’s...

Did people really vote for Dictator Dan?

I visited Daniels Andrews’ electorate of Mulgrave to ask people at the shops if they actually voted for him. Find out what happened in...

George Pell was always innocent

Editor: Originally published April 9, 2020. Rest in Peace George Pell. In the run up to Cardinal George Pell’s High Court appeal against his conviction...

The Victorian Altar of Baby Sacrifice

Blow it all up, blow it all down, what a hoot, friends, what a hoot indeed. A hell of a party, a hell of...