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Tag: Scott Morrison

Jewish Architect of the voice Exposed – Part 5

Editor’s Note: This week will feature a series of articles written by Brenton Sanderson, courtesy of The Occidental Observer. They focus on the role...

XYZ Live 6: Clandestine Coercion

On XYZ Live on Wednesday evening we discussed the following topics: Scott Morrison’s clandestine grab for power. The spitting incident, followed by the glassing...

Melbourne is officially retarded

I would like to reiterate my calls to presidents Kim Jong-Un, Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, hell even Narendra Modi: Please nuke Melbourne. The world’s most...

AnAl Wins Election: Australia Is Screwed

AnAl isn’t just a meme. Look at the beard they chose to be his “girlfriend”: They cleverly chose a chick who wasn’t too hot, but...

Scott Morrison distinguishes between deaths “with” Covid and “from” Covid

During the Covid lockdowns, realists pointed out that governments around the world were inflating the danger of Covid by blurring the lines between people...

WHO TREATY: Scott Morrison Commits Treason Against Australia

For about a month the 2022 Australian federal election campaign has largely ignored any mention of the Covid Tyranny imposed on Australians during 2020-21....

Does the Liberal Party want to win this election?

Ross Peitsch Do the Liberals actually want to win? This is a question I have been asking myself for some months now, and ever since...

Pauline Hanson Is Right: Labor Housing Plan is Great Reset Down...

Labor has announced a policy to purportedly tackle housing affordability, we use the term “purportedly” because it does nothing of the sort. Their plan...

Ordinary Aussies Reclaim Anzac Day From Globohomo

Today, the first Anzac Day Dawn Service since 2019 was held at Anzac Cove in Turkey. It featured a big long didgeridoo performance by...

Scott Morrison’s Bodyguard Crash: Was it divine punishment for Covid Tyranny?

I have never seen anything like this before. They don’t just let anybody drive cars when you’re transporting the Prime Minister’s bodyguards. The driver...