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Tag: Dick Ears Dan

Dictator Dan on track to win Victorian election

Democracy does not work: Daniel Andrews is on track to become Victoria's longest serving Labor premier, with the latest Newspoll showing his government is heading...

RUBBER BULLETS: Heavily armed police fire on Peaceful Protesters in Melbourne

Thousands of peaceful protesters have descended upon Melbourne’s CBD to protest against the ongoing lockdowns which could be dragged out until 2022. Bourke St Mall...

Victoria: Lockdown until 2022

The whole state of Victoria will lock down again today from 1pm as the sniffles has spread to Shepparton. Interestingly, Jeff Kennett tweeted on...

Coming to Victoria: Lockdown until November, 80% Vaccination Target, Vaccine Passports,...

Today Dictator Dan has increased the restrictions placed on Victorians in order to protect us from the sniffles. These include: A 9pm - 5am...

Why did Daniel Andrews shift the lockdown goalposts?

Victoria reopened yesterday after a week and a half of sniffles lockdown. This decision was made while we still (apparently) have so-called “active cases”...

Daniel Andrews extends lockdown indefinitely

As always, we all knew the Victorian lockdown would not last five days. What makes this one intriguing is that the Victorian government has...

Daniel Andrews says he just couldn’t wait to get back into...

Victoria is back into a snap 5 day lockdown from 11:59 PM tonight as the dreaded Delta variant cuts a dark swathe through the...

Daniel Andrews takes credit for slashing overseas arrivals: Burns cross on...

Today Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a roadmap to get Australia back to covid normal, which involves the mass vaccination of the entire...

So has anybody died of coronavirus in Australia lately?

TRIGGER WARNING #1: The following footage of people walking at Bondi Beach has been deemed “shocking”: By the Lying Press, anyway.. Outrage is growing after shocking...

3 Oppressive Measures snuck in the back door during Melbourne Lockdown

20 years after Israel did 9/11 we’re still getting our bags checked at airports and sporting venues by smelly Indians. The War on Terror...