Coming to Victoria: Lockdown until November, 80% Vaccination Target, Vaccine Passports, DEATH CAMP for 3000 people


Today Dictator Dan has increased the restrictions placed on Victorians in order to protect us from the sniffles. These include:

  • A 9pm – 5am curfew.
  • Playgrounds are closed.
  • The lockdown is extended until September 2.

Oh, and this.

The XYZ has obtained exclusive footage of Victorians’ response to this bizarre new rule which forbids us from removing our mask to drink beer. It will probably cost them $350,000.

It appears that rumours of a 2 month lockdown were indeed not fake poos. If we follow the principle that the Regime always tells us what it is going to do in order to normalise the idea of our own enslavement, 2 months is probably a conservative estimate. This is what Daniel Andrews said a few days ago:

“I know no-one’s enjoying this, but what’s worse than this? Well, being locked up ‘til the end of October, or indeed the end of November. Because that’s how long it may well take to get 80% of people through the vaccination program.”

They intend to keep us locked up for months until they reach their insane target of 80% of the population injecting themselves with their poison. As was projected the other day, they are prepared to go “door to door” to mass test entire suburbs, likely a prelude to forced mass “vaccination”.

We’re not at a point where we need to be going door to door. We’re not at a point where we need entire suburbs to come out and get tested. If we get to that stage, then we won’t hesitate. I think we’ve shown, in fact I know we’ve shown that we’re prepared to do what has to be done, popular or otherwise.

What Daniel Andrews means here is vaccine passports. If you want to enter a venue or be served as a customer in Victoria, you will need one. It is coming and it is coming up fast.

Meanwhile, plans for coronavirus death camps continue to take shape. This letter has been circulated to residents in Mickleham:

They’re going to call it the “Centre for National Resilience”. Freedom is indeed Slavery.

According to the project website the first stage of completion will provide facilities for 500 inmates, then 1000, before an intended final capacity of 3000. The first stage is due to be completed by the end of 2021, just in time for those vaccine passports. We have obtained exclusive access to the design of the proposed death camp.

The XYZ understands the facility will come complete with a swimming pool, hospital, dentist, orchestra, school and even a brothel. Apparently the Russian have already built a chimney there too which doesn’t connect to anything.

The wording of the letter matches up with the wording on the Victorian government website, so it checks out. There is however an intriguing detail in the letter that doesn’t appear on the website:

“The Australian Government is working with the Victorian Government to build an accomodation facility at 135 Donnybrook Road that will be used for mandatory quarantine accomodation for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.”


The only question is whether this mandatory “quarantine” will be for those who test positive to the coronavirus, whether it will be for those who don’t toe the line, or for both. Tyranny is well and truly here.