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The White Man Will Never Die

Western kind are a truly capable and generous lot; we discovered farming, advanced mathematics, writing, rule-of-law and the vast majority of greatest scientific advancements,...

XYZ Conference Day 4, July 2: Adam Piggott on Christianity

Tonight at 8pm AEST, Adam Piggott will be speaking on Christianity. You will find the speech here at The XYZ YouTube channel, and at...

The return of the Church militant

Take away the Mass, destroy the Church. Martin Luther. I first became aware of The Council of Trent when I moved to the Italian region of...

6 Simple Reasons Why Catholics Are Not Christians

It has become a cliché among Christianity for one group to accuse the others of not being the “true” Christians, or to claim that...

You’re too short for this ride

Two days ago I wrote about Christianity. More specifically, I wrote about how the Catholic Church is the one and only. As of the...

Modern Mythology in Australia

Finn Stirling Humans are religious by nature, we make sense of a seemingly infinitely complex world using narrative to help us in every day decisions...

The Roman Road to Eternal Life

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE-o-cmfIoE In this livestream I go through the path to salvation (eternal life/heaven) according to the Bible, and respond to a video by RockingMrE on...

George Pell Is Free

The conspiracy against one of Australia’s most influential Christians has been defeated. From the Australian: Cardinal George Pell will walk free after 405 days in jail...

XYZ Live #109 – Fake Far-Right Threat and the WuFlu Panic

Topics discussed: The societal and geopolitical implications of the coronavirus. The importance of Christianity to nationalism. ASIO head Mike Burgess is concerned about “extreme...

7 simple steps for living a happy and successful life

“A wise man learns from the mistakes of others, the rest of us have to be the others.” I cannot remember where I heard this...