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How to Save your Country

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and his authority over the world he created is immutable and irreformable. The devil...

Natural Law and the Wicked Spell

Natural Law is the basic values inherent in all humanity that has been observed by many religions and philosophies. It is the law of...

What Can You Do Today?

Mike Rusade We all know what's wrong with the world. We need to get back on our feet, pull our collective heads in, and start...

Propertarianism is not an ideology

The most important rule in any philosophical debate is very simple: if you cannot argue both sides, you cannot argue either. Another way to...

Property, Christ and Truth: Discussing Propertarianism with Curt Doolittle

Here is the second in a series of articles and videos on Propertariansm. Matty's Modern Life speaks directly with Curt Doolittle, the founder of...

Propertarianism Won’t Save You

Editor: In the coming days we will publish a variety of articles and videos which discuss Propertarianism, some for, some against. We begin with...

E. Michael Jones Interview: Ethnos Needs Logos

Here is an interview Matty's Modern Life conducted with E. Michael Jones a couple of weeks ago. They discussed Jews, Homosexuals, Christianity and Ethnic...

The real reason Kyle Sandilands apologised for Virgin Mary blasphemy

WARNING: This article contains graphic content. People's heads have exploded this week as fat degenerate KIIS FM radio host Kyle Sandilands has actually been forced...

XYZ Live #86 – Adam Goodes vs Greta Toonberg, who played...

Topics discussed: Matty's interview with E Michael Jones, Christianity and nationalism. The Con gives us the green light to sledge Greta Thunberg. XYZ Predicts...

XYZ Live #84 – Business Council Call out SJW Corporations and...

Topics discussed: Did PewDiePie pull off the greatest troll of all time or did he accidentally redpill the internet? The Australian Business Council points...