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Tag: vaccine mandate

DICTATOR DAN FOR LIFE: New State of Emergency Powers Drafted

It’s been building. All this time, from the start of the so-called “pandemic”, Daniel Andrews has been pushing to precisely this point. From Rebel News: Controversial...

Queensland Police FUDGING THE NUMBERS: Mass Losses From Vaccine Mandate

Victoria is not the only “jurisdiction” struggling to hire enough goons to enforce Covid Tyranny. The Queensland Police Force is reeling from losing potentially...

ANTI-VAX THREAT: WA Premier’s House Under Police Guard

So this apparently happened: Or maybe it didn’t happen and the powers that be want you to believe it happened. Or maybe it did happen...

Daniel Andrews keeps lying about vaccination rates

Note this headline from the Lying Press. Now note the substance of the article: Victoria has recorded 1,461 new local COVID-19 cases and seven deaths as...

SUPERMARKET VAX MANDATE: 300,000 Workers Blackmailed

The bosses of Australia’s three biggest supermarkets, Woolworths, Coles and Aldi have decided to blackmail their workers by issuing a vaccine mandate. They must...

Novak Djokovic forces Tennis Australia to allow Unvaccinated Players

The Eye of Sauron honed in on Novak Djokovic in recent days after he dared to differ slightly from trusted sources and deny the...

Daniel Andrews has gone COMPLETELY MAD

In Victoria, if you do not get the vaccine, you literally will not be allowed to buy shoes. This is what life looks like for...

Despite putting millions out of work, Australian government wants mass skilled...

Over a million Australians were out of work before Covid lockdowns shut down Australia’s economy in 2020 and millions remain unemployed or underemployed today....

Do not fear Covid Tyranny: Fear only God

I’ve been out of work and out of money a few times in my life, the most significant of which was about 20 years...

DEATH THREATS issued against WA Premier who threatened to make people...

Western Australia’s Premier Mark McGowan has received death threats just days after the Northern Territory’s Chief Minister had to move his family away from...