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Tag: globalists

People have to turn back to God

“Stephen!” “What’s up! Are you Ok?!” “Stephen, I’ve got something to tell you!” “What? Are you ok?! “Stephen I need to tell you this.” Pause. “Jesus didn’t come...

Coronavirus Origin: It’s not about China, it’s about Globalism

Originally published February 11, 2021. Never launch an inquiry without first knowing the conclusion you intend to be reached by the enquiry. Naturally, an inquiry by...

Afghanistan A Great Success Story

For twenty years the Globalist criminal elites have used Afghanistan as a playground. The war was sold to us as a humanitarian operation to...

The Afghan War was a complete success for the Globalists

The Biden administration is made up of the same people as the Trump administration. Behind the scenes the same civil servants and military leaders...

Christians will win where Winston lost

“You are imagining that there is something called human nature which will be outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But...

It’s time for White Denialism of the JQ to end

I’m really glad I wrote the article I did about Avi Yemini. I’m also very grateful for the short window of opportunity I’ve had...

Globalism is good for you, goy

The oligarchs sold globalisation to us as a means of getting cheap goods and boosting prosperity, they spent years pushing their propaganda to convince...

Globalist Australian Government makes Globalist Social Media pay ransom to Globalist...

Nothing in the following article makes any sense aside from the stated motivation - the Fake News Media’s advertising revenue has dried up since...

Globalism And Antiwhitism: The Twin Enemies Of Humanity

“United we stand. Diversity we fall.” Who would want Australians to fall? Both Globalists and Antiwhites have a stake in the destruction of the Australian people. What...

Yes, Coronavirus is a Tool

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many on the Right to celebrate - the sword of Damocles has finally fallen on globalism's head, and good...