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Tag: Dictator Dan

Hey Dan: We want Covid Compensation, not Aboriginal Reparations

You know the Voice to Parliament campaign is getting desperate when they roll out the most hated man in Australia to spruik for it: Fresh...

Stoner Sutton Quits to push Climate Hysteria at CSIRO

What a weak, pathetic man: Any regrets answer — JustMe (@AussieVal10) June 9, 2023 Professor Sutton will leave the Department of Health to take up a new...

Is The Liberal Party Dying?

Apart from Tasmania, every state and territory has a Labor government as does the Federal government. In Victoria last year the Liberals couldn't win...

Did people really vote for Dictator Dan?

I visited Daniels Andrews’ electorate of Mulgrave to ask people at the shops if they actually voted for him. Find out what happened in...

Daniel Andrews is anti-Christian

Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 18:22 The Bible is clear and unambiguous. Contradict this passage and you contradict...

Dictator Dan to shut down Mickleham Concentration Camp

Turns out the Centre for National Resilience…….drum roll……wasn’t very resilient: A half-billion dollar COVID-19 quarantine facility in Melbourne's north will be closed after just eight...

Daniel Andrews is DESPERATE to get reelected

Fresh from bribing Victorian voters with offers of free food and help with their energy bills, Dictator Dan is now offering a four day...

Dictator Dan BRIBES voters: Victorians still flee the state

Democracy is bribery. Daniel Andrews is throwing breadcrumbs to the proles ahead of the November state election in a desperate attempt to retain power: Victoria’s cashback...

Dictator Dan bans walk in the park

It was never about Covid: Those walking off a trail, swimming in a waterway or conducting research in a park could face hefty fines under...

Dictator Dan wants us to stop calling him Dictator Dan

The walking back of the Covid Narrative by the mainstream Lying Press gets curiouser and curiouser. One outlet has published a piece which not...