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Do not succumb to the black pill

On Sunday evening I recorded a podcast with The Great One over at the Cynical Libertarian Society; the episode will go up this Friday,...

MELBOURNE has gotten so bad the Babylon Bee is writing satire...

The Australian city of Melbourne has become the epicentre of elites’ attempts to instal a Global Covid Dictatorship. The situation is so rotten here...

BILLIONAIRES Back Vaccine Passports

Two foreign billionaires who own massive multinational corporations in Australia have backed Stalinist policies which ban Aussies from going to work or entering stores...

The death of doctors

My grandparents grew up in the great depression. I’d like to recount for the sake of this piece that they recounted me stories of...

Nurses Protest Mandatory Jab: VICTORIA POLICE CAN’T BASH THEM

When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like an old lady to Victoria Police. Melbourne nurses appear to have found their weakness...

Gladys: There is no such thing as Freedom Day

Covid is forever: "I'm always wary of using terms like Freedom Day because when we start to open up it must be step-by-step, it has...

The 2-Tier System Will Flip So Hold Fast

Australian politicians have explicitly stated their intention to create a 2-tier society. The vaxxed will be allowed more freedoms than the unvaxxed, who will...

There Is NO WAY 2 Melbourne Freedom Protesters Tested Positive To...

Apparently, a second protester from the Freedom Rallies in Melbourne this week has tested positive to Covid. Yeah. I know. Let’s see what the Lying Press...

Police treat Melbourne Freedom Rally Coordinator Like A TERRORIST

What were you doing at the age of 24? I was playing computer and writing the occasional song. This guy, Harrison McLean, has been...

NSW to Ban Unvaccinated from entering stores: Retailers Fear Boycott

As NSW approaches Freedom Day, retailers have issued an urgent warning that people who refuse to get vaccinated will boycott businesses that won’t let...