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Daniel Andrews urges Victorians: Mail in your vote due to fourth...

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has this morning moved to assuage fears in the Victorian electorate that the festive season surge in Covid cases could...

Covid Zombie Death Ship docks in Sydney: 800 cases on board

Panic is gripping Sydney this morning as the new unfolding Covid crisis goes from bad to worse. Basically, everybody going to die. A cruise ship...

Brett Sutton claims Covid could Destroy Melbourne with Giant Death Ray

A wild eyed Brett Sutton, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, faced the media yesterday dressed in shorts, thongs, a flannelette jacket and holding a stubby,...

Covid, the cult of youth, and the Boomers

A recent post at The Orthosphere on the topic of obeying evil governments because that is God’s will, (a ludicrous proposition that would render...

Constant Crisis

I have written about this before, about how our society has become addicted to crisis. Particularly the over-educated parts of our society. We have...

Are the Globalists planning a Zombie Apocalypse?

Ross Peitsch One of the greatest victories of the Marxist elites since the introduction of internet, has been the deprivation of children to develop basic...

Coral Princess: The Double Vaccinated Cruise Ship Of Covid Death

There is a great Australian expression which sums up this story. A COVID-19 outbreak on a sister ship to the Ruby Princess has been called "inevitable"...

PAULINE HANSON HAS COVID: Only 99.997% chance of survival

If only she’d been vaccinated, her symptoms would not be so severe: Anti-vaxxer Pauline Hanson has revealed she has tested positive to Covid after a...

South Australia imposes $75,000 fines, 2 years jail for Covid breaches

You know things are bad when even the Lying Press is calling you a dictator. The dictator virus is spreading: Anyone found breaching Covid rules in...

Scott Morrison distinguishes between deaths “with” Covid and “from” Covid

During the Covid lockdowns, realists pointed out that governments around the world were inflating the danger of Covid by blurring the lines between people...