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Tag: boosters

Boosters kill or injure 1100 for every 39-49 year old saved

Under the false assumption that government data about CoVid hospitalisations and deaths were CoVid hospitalisations and deaths, UK MP Andrew Bridgen still delivers some...

Prime Minister AnAl: “The Pandemic isn’t over”

They wouldn’t do it, surely? They wouldn’t mandate another booster just so you can go to work? Surely they know everybody is over it, and they...

Mandatory third dose planned for more workers in Victoria

You’re only ever one dose away from being unvaccinated. At least frumpy muslimas are finally getting the representation they deserve in the Australian Lying Press: The...

Daniel Andrews ignored Brett Sutton on booster advice because he can

Brett Sutton’s job is to basically just turn up and remember to put some pants on when he gets a Zoom call: Victoria's Chief Health...


Daniel Andrews is an expert at shifting the goalposts, As noted by XYZ News, whatever stage of the so-called “vaccine rollout” we’re up to,...

Greg Hunt normalises 4th dose, Daniel Andrews prepares to mandate 3rd...

It was flagged earlier this week in NSW, now Australia’s Federal Health Minister has mentioned the fourth dose. This we see how the normalisation...

Daniel Andrews Admits Most Covid Patients Are Vaccinated

They’ve done in Queensland, they’ve done it in New South Wales, now Daniel Andrews is getting in on the act. In a recent press...

Daniel Andrews Signals Mandatory Boosters

Never saw it coming: 🚨🚨🚨Booster mandates incoming…anyone surprised? — ValGlass2.0 (@AussieVal10) January 19, 2022 Changes to the national vaccination policy are imminent, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews...

100% Of Covid Deaths Were Double Vaccinated: Queensland Health Minister’s Stunning...

What do the following phrases have in common? “Not fully vaccinated.” “Have had neither their first or second jabs.” “None of those people had...

Everybody is freaking out about Omicron for no reason

This is hilarious. New South Wales residents hiring cars and sitting in taxis for hours to get covid tests … I honestly don't know what...