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Tag: black lives matter

Aussie Cricket Team is having none of this BLM witchcraft nonsense

Every major public event is preceded by a religious or magical ceremony. As our nation has turned its face from God we have elevated...

The enemy within

One of the striking features of industrial affairs in Australia is the power and obstinacy of militant unions. The state of Victoria is particularly...

Antifa Golem is coming for its Marxist masters and it’s beautiful

Antifa hates you and want you dead. Our “leaders” hate you and want you dead. They’re all satanist pedos, so this makes me very...

Aussie police arrest BLM babies who cry like babies cos they’re...

What the headline said. From Daily Mail: Six protesters have been arrested at the Black Lives Matter rally in Sydney. Among those arrested at Tuesday morning's illegal...

Nantes Cathedral Fire: A black guy did it

Youths. Teens. Doctors. Brain surgeons. Law students. Volunteers. I think you get the picture. From the BBC: A church volunteer has admitted starting a fire that devastated...

Diversity Flu Is Magic

It is official, according to their ABC COVID-19 is magic and knows your political opinions. If you think I am joking, you are wrong;...

Never saw it coming: Rioter shot in Austin

Video appears to show the moment a rioter in Austin, Texas was shot. BREAKING: Protestor Shot in Austin By Someone Driving Through Crowd, 'Appears to...

Black Lives Matter plans to spread more Chinese Diversity Flu

We’ve all seen the graph. We’ve all seen the headline. Now as the Chinese Diversity Flu snakes its way back through the rest of Australia, particularly...

US Federal Troops are brutalising Antifa and it’s beautiful

How does it make you feel when you see mobs of far left terrorists destroying property? Surrounding people and bashing them? And another video of Black...

They’re going after our hot chicks

Women shouldn’t be allowed on social media, they should refrain from discussing politics, and should focus on supporting their husbands and nurturing his children....