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Tag: adverse reactions

Rejection of God is the source of Covid Tyranny

Most people in today’s Western societies have a self image of themselves as nice people. Good people. It’s a self image that is an...

Queensland Government ADMITS Most Deaths With Covid Were Vaccinated AGAIN

XYZ has reported this week (here, here and here) that state health officials are admitting that most reported deaths with Covid have been vaccinated,...

NSW Health Commissars contradict each other in the same press conference

On Monday XYZ News reported that the Queensland Health Minister, Yvette D’Ath, stated that 100% of reported deaths with Covid were vaccinated: Wow, so they...

Vaccines cause NSW its DEADLIEST DAY

For the second day in a row a member of Australia’s ruling class has openly admitted that the majority of or all the people...

Ball Girl COLLAPSES at Australian Open

The Australian government claims it is protecting us from Covid, while actively endangering people’s lives via vaccines: BREAKING:Ball boy collapses at the Australian open...

100% Of Covid Deaths Were Double Vaccinated: Queensland Health Minister’s Stunning...

What do the following phrases have in common? “Not fully vaccinated.” “Have had neither their first or second jabs.” “None of those people had...

Australian Open: Tennis Players Dropping Like Flies

The BBQ Bulletin has given us the most accurate Novak headline to date: Three tennis players have pulled out of the Australian Open so far...

ABC’s vaxx pin-up Aboriginal dead six days after Covid shot

This article comes courtesy of The Covid Blog and Cairns News. It was originally published on November 4, 2021. It remains relevant given the...

CHILLING VARIANT: Experts decide it’s time for a new Covid Scare

Chilling. It’s chilling: Experts have issued a chilling warning to the globe as a “worrisome” new Covid variant – tipped to be even worse than...

Myocarditis Ignored: Study blames adverse reactions to Covid vaccines on “depression”

Everybody knows the trick to good lying. Mix in a little bit of truth: TORONTO -- A significant number of patients are reporting symptoms of...