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Tag: adverse reactions

Covid Vaccine Killed Shane Warne: According to President of Australian Medical...

Several highly credentialed doctors are connecting the death of cricket legend Shane Warne to the Covid vaccine. XYZ News was right. From the Daily Sceptic: Leading...

Boosters kill or injure 1100 for every 39-49 year old saved

Under the false assumption that government data about CoVid hospitalisations and deaths were CoVid hospitalisations and deaths, UK MP Andrew Bridgen still delivers some...

Blood on their hands: Pfizer exec admits clot shots cause menstrual...

No doubt Google will give us another strike on this one for showing Pfizer’s Director of R&D for the company’s mRNA operation blowing the...

3-in-1 Vaccine to Combat THE KRAKEN: Nobody Cares

Meh. Researchers hope three-in-one jab will ease 'vaccine fatigue' It's being trialled in Queensland, targeting COVID, the flu and serious respiratory issues. Source: 7News Australia (Youtube) —...

Death Spike Confirmed: Mortality In Australia Rises 16.8%

Earlier this year XYZ News reported on the death spike in Australia for January and February 2022, rising 20% and 17% respectively. The ABS...

Vaccine Carnage: Wimbledon Ballboy Collapses, Medical Emergencies In Stands

The Covid not-vaccines continue to play havoc at major sporting events, with three incidents interrupting play on the first day of Wimbledon. A ballboy...

Deaths in Australia Spike 20% in 2022

It’s happening. All cause mortality in Australia is up by 20 per cent. This is the biggest news story on the planet. It has been...

VACCINE CARNAGE: Justine Bieber’s face paralysed

Justin Bieber has suffered a vaccine injury, revealing he is paralysed down the right hand side of his face: Singer Justin Bieber has revealed he...

Cricketer and marathon runners are latest vaccine casualties

The sporting world has been visibly shaken by vaccine mandates in 2022, with a spate of deaths, injuries and retirements hitting multiple codes. A...


The Covid not-vaccine killed Rod Marsh and Shane Warne in successive days last month, now it has nearly taken another former Australian cricketer, the...