Dear Janet, you embody the entire feminist problem

Writing in The Australian, Janet Albrechtsen takes umbrage with fellow columnist and self-confessed alcoholic Nikki Gemmell who had declared that men who choose to become obstetricians only do so because of reasons of power...

As Predicted Transgender Lunacy comes to Victoria – BITCHUTE EXCLUSIVE

The Socialist Republic of Victoria, under Dictator Dan Andrews, wants to allow anyone to change genders on their birth certificates. This is exactly what we all warned about during the debate about Fake Marriage; opponents...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 16 Christian Emergency

On Thursday we went to air just as Israel Folau was being interviewed by Alan Jones on Sky News. In explaining why he put his post on social media imploring sinners to repent in...

Food For Thought – The Chosen Supremacist

If a precedent embalms a principle, then what can we say about this headline from Sheldon Adelson’s publication Israel Hayom: Israel Hayom reports: “Far-right anti-Semitism is on the rise in the United States and Europe, but...

BUSTED Google Executive Responds to Project Veritas Scandal!

After some fantastic journalistic work, as well as a very brave insider coming forward, Project Veritas produced an amazing report exposing Google’s bias and desire to rig the 2020 election. The report caught an executive...

Leftist Extremists Remove Israel Folau’s GoFundMe and INSTANTLY Regret it

GoFundMe took down Israel Folau’s page for wrongthink but the Australian Christian Lobby set up a new one and the response was off the charts. Israel Folau, who was sacked by Rugby Australia for posting...

XYZ Live #73 – God Bless Israel Folau

On Monday night we discussed the Israel Folau saga and the far left's obsession with suppressing any hint of dissent. We also analysed the debate between Mark Collett and the Israel Advocacy Movement, as well...

Food For Thought – Is AOC Trolling The World?

Call me crazy but I truly love Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). She says the darndest things. Daily Wire reports: After Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) used “concentration camps” and “Never Again” together — a unique reference to...

Israel Folau’s fight is a class action for all Christians

The social justice rage mob is so insidious because what they can do to one person sends a message to an entire people. These far left internet extremists have destroyed countless careers, and on...

It is better to be a man than a woman

A wonderful article from Jupes at Catallaxy Files on the subject of suicide among ex-servicemen in Australia. In it he compares battlefield casualty rates from men in WW1 with those in Afghanistan as well...

Food For Thought – ‘Far Right’ Is Sanity Under Siege In The Asylum

National Public Radio (NPR), the American legacy media outlet run by CEO Jarl Mohn (Every. Single. Time), dished out this loaded headline today: NPR reports: "White supremacist, white nationalist, white extremist, sovereign citizen, anti-government, Patriot ,...

Zionists Debate Mark Collett, Instantly Regret It

In case you haven’t seen it already, British Patriot and Nationalist Activist Mark Collett recently sat down with the Israel Advocacy Movement for a debate on ethnic Nationalism. The panel was as follows: An extremist...

The Uncuckables: Ep. 15 Fluid FlogBank

Richard Woolstencrft from the Melbourne Underground Film Featival (MUFF) joined us on Thursday evening, as did James Fox Higgins of the Rational Rise. Topocs discussed: Cory Bernardi goes back to the Liberals. Blair Cottrell...

Censorship BEAST Takes Over the AFL and Fans NOT HAPPY!

The AFL has come under fire for its heavy handed tactics with fans, going so far as to kick a supporter out for calling an umpire a “bald headed flog.” Rightfully, the Australian public has...

Hawthorn Football Club tells fans to shove it.

As the AFL slowly wakes normal people up to the fact that we are living under a corrupt extreme-Left globalist dictatorship, it’s important to remember that this is not a new development. The extremist Left...

New Zealand is on its way to being a totalitarian state

New Zealand is regularly held up on the right as a bastion to which Australians can escape if our own government goes too far down the authoritarian route. I mean, the Kiwis don’t have...

Food For Thought – Fabian Financial Wants To Unperson Nationalists

Following on from my observations last year, and Westpac’s shutting down of bank accounts for Blair Cottrell and Dr. Jim Saleam this month, the collusion between central banking cartels and violent communist terrorists is...

Food For Thought – Hollyweird’s Oligarchy vs Nationalist Underdogs

An article in The Times has outlined that the UK police are colluding with media outlets to produce anti-“Far-Right” propaganda: The Times reports: Police are using television soaps in the fight against neo-Nazi (sic) extremism. Officers from...

AFP Raids EXPOSE Media Double Standards

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) recently raided ABC offices under a warrant in relation to a national security matter. The media cried foul about this, decrying it as an attack on Democracy and the Freedom...

Blair Cottrell has had his bank account closed

The globalists never stop. They are psychopaths who brook no dissent and will destroy you if you pose a threat to their system. Hell, it's likely they do this just for kicks. Blair Cottrell has...