Ding Dong the Witch is Sacked

Raelene Castle has been obliterated from her job as head of Rugby Australia because she is fat and ugly and women should not be allowed to hold positions of power. From the Australian: It was at...

Globalism is good for you, goy

The oligarchs sold globalisation to us as a means of getting cheap goods and boosting prosperity, they spent years pushing their propaganda to convince us. They told us all about the benefits, what they...

Universities that bribed international students to circumvent quarantine demand bailout

Tim Jones Australian universities have gone cap in hand to the Australian government tonight, demanding a tax payer bailout to prevent universities from falling over. IEAA CEO Phil Honeywood said the sector was in complete crisis...

SBS Globalists Are Losing Credibility Due To Coronavirus

Two days ago SBS made up an article where they quoted an imaginary person named 'Andy Fleming' who was a 'far right researcher'. From this credible beginning they went on to link everyone in...

WHO let the dogs out

In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed primarily because it was broke and the house of cards couldn’t be sustained for any longer as member states scrambled to get out from under the falling edifice....

A Ryan Rant – Episode 120 – Behaviour Modification And Social Engineering

The current kosher year in which we reside is a simulation serving certain interests, who pathologise and amplify our weaknesses in order to programme pacified plebs who pursue product at the detriment of their...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 119 – Tip Of The Spear

As the Anti-Defamation League and I celebrate April 20th in our own ways, I thought I’d take some time to talk about the false dichotomy that exists between the ADL and InfoWars host Alex...

No XYZ Live tonight, 20/4/2020.

XYZ Live is cancelled again tonight due to technical issues. We hope to have things sorted by next Monday. In the meantime, you can watch last week’s Uncuckables episodes, Tuesday here, Thursday here. Below is an...

Globalist Australian Government makes Globalist Social Media pay ransom to Globalist Fake News Media

Nothing in the following article makes any sense aside from the stated motivation - the Fake News Media’s advertising revenue has dried up since the Diversity Flu Outbreak. Other than this, none of the...

Discovering Australia

On either the 19th 0r 20th April 1770, the lookout on Captain Cook’s ship HMS Endeavour, sighted the east coast of Australia. In what is now Victoria, they turned north and travelled along the...

A Ryan Rant – Episode 118 – Trust The Plandemic

As the Jews finished up celebrating the plagues of Passover this last week, Jonathan Greenblatt over at the ADL has been struggling to remind everyone that noticing the cause of the coronavirus spread is...

Violence never solves anything: The cult of pacifism and its consequences

The Golem Disclaimer: This article is not intended to incite or encourage violence or illegal activity. Even a rudimentary analysis of modern nationalist movements in Western nations makes it immediately clear that non-violent protest, resistance and...

Malcolm ‘rat’ Turnbull claims he helped establish Guardian Australia

Malcolm Turnbull claims to have brokered the deal to establish communist blog the Guardian Australia. This revelation only compounds his already well established treason. From the Australian: Mr Turnbull has credited himself in 2012 with introducing...

Coronavirus Miracle: Foreigners Flee Australia

The XYZ has obtained exclusive footage of foreigners attempting to escape Australia’s infected shores. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPfnfVQAwio From the Australian: The coronavirus is driving the biggest population decline in Australian history, with 300,000 tourists, temporary workers and students already...

The pleasures of life and antisocial distancing

One thing that I can’t get used to or even comfortable with during this time of the Chinese pox is the antisocial effect of what is termed social distancing, but which may as well...

Australian Universities launch “Buy a degree, get free citizenship” program

Tim Jones Australia’s universities have launched a revolutionary new program to attract even more international students down under. From the 2021 academic year onwards, every international student that studies in Australia will be automatically awarded Australian...

Feminism Versus Women

Feminism is the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Liberalism. It likes to think of itself as a separate and distinct philosophy. But its job has always been to extend Liberal thinking from 'men only' to include...

The Uncuckables Ep. 60: Policing Formulas

Topics discussed: The WHO is led by a terrorist. George Pell is a refugee from Communist Victoria. Baby Formula Biffo. Does Democracy work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpON_bpbKRE The Uncuckables livestreams between 8:30 and 10:00 pm AEST every Thursday evening....

Victoria Police to renew George Pell stitch up

Just days after his acquittal of child sexual abuse charges by the Australian High Court, a leak to Sky News reveals Victoria Police plan to continue their hounding of George Pell. From Sky News: Sky News...

Revolution! – Melbourne Traditionalists Podcast – Episode Thirty Seven

Mark Moncrieff analyses the Dutch, English, American, French and Russian Revolutions. What is common to all as a causal factor is debt. He also looks at the current situation with the coronavirus lockdown and analyses...