Rumours Daniel Andrews will QUIT: Will he flee Victoria?


Rumours are swirling today that Daniel Andrews is tired of being a dictator and wants to open a factory in Bangladesh where he will force orphans to skin puppies.

Or perhaps he’ll just retreat to The Peninsula, we hear he’s made lots of friends there:

Succession planning is underway in the Victorian Labor Party, with Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Jacinta Allan being touted as Daniel Andrews’ likely successor.

Premier Andrews has repeatedly said he is not tired and has more work to do in the role. But multiple sources have told the Herald Sun that Minister Allan has already been advised to start building a team that would be ready to hit the ground running at short notice.

The succession planning is believed to be so advanced that several staff have already been identified to fill senior roles under a potential Allan administration, leading to speculation the popular Victorian Premier may be closing in on the end of his career.

Ms Allen and Premier Andrews both hail from the dominant Socialist Left faction of the Victorian Labor Party, so she would likely receive support from the majority of her caucus colleagues.

Like fellow Covid Tyrants Mark McGowan and Captain Crazy Eyes in Western Australia and the Northern Territory respectively, Daniel Andrews is unable to show his face in public without an extensive bodyguard.

The Lying Press and normie vax zombies may be trying to memory-hole 2020-22 as though it is just another 10 million excess German deaths post-WWII, but a lot of ordinary Victorians who were deeply affected by the lockdowns and vaccine mandate will not rest until this man faces justice.

If the resignation rumours are correct, our assessment that he is a “true believer” will be proven wrong, but suspicion will instead turn to why he has resigned so soon after McGowan. Perhaps the payoff for imposing Covid Tyranny was a bunk in a nuclear and EMP-proof bomb shelter on the outskirts of Peking just as WWIII becomes imminent?

The irony is that Andrews could resign just as support for the Liberal Party opposition plummets faster than support for “the voice”, with its primary vote sinking to just 23%.

This is due to ordinary conservatives abandoning the Liberal Party in disgust due to its treatment of Moira Deeming. Forced to choose between people who advocate for the right of White Australians to exist in our own country on the one hand and groomers on the other, they chose the penis choppers.

The potential of a new Labor Premier opposed by a shattered Victorian Liberal Party offers the prospect of a temporary political vacuum which could be advantageous to minor parties which represent the genuine interests of White Victorians. The challenge will be to unite the parties and focus their messaging.

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