Lidia Thorpe is NOT racist: Here’s why


After a litany of insane stunts, the Lying Press have decided Lidia Thorpe is just too radical for their coordinated, slow but steady Overton Window shift, so she has to go. Sky News have brought out the big guns, interviewing her father who has labelled her “racist”, says she’s changed and the power has gone to her head:

The father of independent Senator Lidia Thorpe has unleashed on his daughter in an exclusive interview with Sky News Australia, claiming she is a “very racist person” whose power has “gone to her head”.

Lidia Thorpe’s father has sensationally slammed the Victorian Senator in a piercing barb claiming his daughter is a “very racist person”.

Roy Illingworth made the shock revelations in an exclusive interview with Sky News Australia host Andrew Bolt which will air on Foxtel from 7pm on Thursday.

He told The Bolt Report host he was “disappointed” by how his controversial daughter had abandoned her English and Irish roots.

“The way I see it, the way she is and the way she’s changed over the years, she’s a very racist person,” Mr Illingworth said.

“She doesn’t acknowledge any of her white side. I’m a bit disappointed in the way she’s been carrying on lately.

“Because after all, she does have English background as well as Irish, the convict side of the English.”

The former Greens Senator, who abandoned her party to continue advocating for a “black sovereign movement” in Australia, has attracted increasingly more damning headlines in recent months.

But her father said the behaviour was unusual for the 49-year-old.

“The way she’s carrying on, I don’t know. Maybe she’s being used by someone, or some people,” he said.

“But normally she used to never be like that. Maybe it’s the power gone to her head too. I’m not sure.”

I have called Lidia Thorpe many things – crazy, drug addled and a woman who dresses inappropriately for her age – but not “racist”. “Racist” is a construct, invented to undermine the homogeneity of White countries. White people have been conditioned by this term to disavow any kind of ethnocentrism for ourselves and to be shocked when others are so well grounded in nature that they actually advocate for their own interests and desire to secure an existence for their own kind.

As such I will split hairs with Mr. Illingworth and describe Lidia as antiwhite, but his observation that she holds deep antipathy toward White people is spot on.

The crux of the matter is that Lidia is denying a part of herself:

“She doesn’t acknowledge any of her white side. I’m a bit disappointed in the way she’s been carrying on lately.

“Because after all, she does have English background as well as Irish, the convict side of the English.”

Like every multiracial person, Lidia is torn in two.

She has grown up in a culture which demonises her Anglo-Celtic, convict side and elevates her aboriginal side on a pedestal while simultaneously insisting that the latter has been deeply aggrieved by the former.

In the best of circumstances, people born of multiple ethnicities have a hard enough time uniting the histories, culture and centuries or millennia of conflict into a whole which defines who you are. Speaking personally, my own Anglo-Celtic heritage is enough to work through.

Imagine how difficult this must be for slightly aboriginal people growing up in a society as toxic as Current Year Australia.

It is telling that almost the entire political aboriginal class in Australia consists of such people. Their jihad to purge Australia of its Anglo-Celtic roots is a projection of their inner struggle to purge the part of themselves they have been taught to hate.

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Jacinta Price happily embraces her Anglo-Celtic roots but she is a rare exception to the rule. There can be no peace in this country when such lunatics represent aboriginal people. Full blooded Aussies must deal with full blooded aboriginals if we are to have any hope of a solution.

This is why we oppose mass immigration and multiculturalist propaganda to avoid miscegenation. It’s not out of any racial animosity, but an understanding that healthy people have a strong, united sense of racial identity which they can revere without prejudice. Strong borders mitigate the harm caused when we violate this crucial tenet of God’s Natural Law.

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