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Tag: Racist

Remigration, a Policy Idea

Editor’s note: We have encored this article by multiple times, and it deserves another run considering the debate between Joel Davis and Drew Pavlou...

Better to be a racist than to have abos rule over...

There are a few things in life that you can count on as sure things, death and taxes being two of the most prominent,...

Lidia Thorpe is NOT racist: Here’s why

After a litany of insane stunts, the Lying Press have decided Lidia Thorpe is just too radical for their coordinated, slow but steady Overton...

‘Racist’ Is An Antiwhite Slur

The word 'Racist' has always been and will always be an Antiwhite hate slur. 'Racist' is the word that is destroying the Western World...

But I’m not racist

Imagine if someone’s response to a group wishing to genocide them was “but I’m one of the good ones!” Wouldn’t you consider that pathetic cowardice?...

Thought for the Day: Time is racist

Next time someone says “it’s 2020”, say that time and calendars are racist social constructs of the patriarchy and a brutal relic of colonialism...

Based Aussie Cop BODYSLAMS Fat Leb Thot

Yes. Yes. Yes. Deport these rat bags, who needs them anyway? — Warren .. 🇦🇺 (@surfbird03) March 27, 2020 National. Hero. White guys aren’t supposed to do...

No NHS for you, bigot

I have just returned from a very brief trip to the UK. I passed through Birmingham airport on my way through to Aberdeen, and...

Home Affairs can racially profile, but YOU cannot

We love comparing headlines. It is an efficient way to decode the programming of the media:     Let’s have a go at our own comparison here...

It’s time to stop feeling sorry for aborigines

Originally published on January 29, 2019. A massive stink has kicked off over a THOT-fight between Kerri-Anne Kennerley and Yumi Stynes. Kerri-Anne had a crack at...