Daniel Andrews Admits Most Covid Patients Are Vaccinated


They’ve done in Queensland, they’ve done it in New South Wales, now Daniel Andrews is getting in on the act. In a recent press conference he stated that most severe Covid hospitalisations are not boosted:

“As you would have seen today, some data we’ve released, the vast majority of people who are critically ill in hospital do not have three doses. That has been the story of this pandemic.”

He goes on to push a third dose, a “booster” as the solution. He is referring to this data:

Professor Sutton said the data was clear on the additional protection a third dose provides, with 97 per cent of Victorian ICU patients having not received a third dose.

As usual, notice the wording. If 97 per cent of Victorian ICU patients had not received any Covid vaccination at all, you can bet your cotton socks they would be telling us this. Explicitly.

But they’re not.

Instead, in stating that the vast majority of people who are critically ill in hospital (with Covid) do not have three doses, they are essentially admitting that the vast majority of ICU patients have had one or two doses.

The story of the “pandemic” has been that most people hospitalised, supposedly with Covid, have actually had one or two doses and governments consistently use slippery language to cover this up.

However, if the vast majority of ICU patients have received one or two doses of a Covid vaccine, logically our rulers should conclude that there is an urgent need for an investigation into the efficacy and safety of the vaccines.

But they’re not.

They are inverting the meaning of the data to argue that Victorians should take more of the vaccines which have proven not merely ineffective but downright dangerous, and they are mandating them to boot.

Today Daniel Andrews announced that Victorian teachers will be forced to take a third dose to keep their jobs, and he is preparing to mandate the same for the rest of the state.

So, he knows the vaccines are not effective. He knows the vaccines are dangerous. And he is making it the law that you must take it.

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