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Tag: Tony Abbott

Straight to the Point: Malcolm and the Olive Branch

Malcolm Turnbull has been all over the media this weekend after stating: ‘When I cease to be prime minister, I will cease to be a...

The Western Australian State Election Result

Yesterday’s state election in Western Australia was, as far as I am aware, the first major election in the developed world since Donald Trump’s...

Why Andrew Bolt turned on Pauline Hanson

Like most contributors here at XYZ I’m a great fan of Andrew Bolt. He has been a calm voice of reason in a sea of...

The Liberal Party Needs to Die

It’s no secret that the Liberal Party is in a bit of a mess. Despite holding power at the Federal level, the well-fed functionaries of...

Liberal Party Delenda Est

After the horrific News Poll earlier this week, there must have been some nervous shifting on seats in the Liberal party room in Canberra,...

Deefer: Misogyny

Here are the lyrics for Deefer's little tune, Mysogyny: Well, I was keepin' to myself Then I heard an accusation From the left wing folk I found disturbin' Was...

Never saw it coming: Turnbull gets played by ABC, again

It's funny how, throughout 2008 and 2009, Malcolm Turnbull was beloved by their ABC, and the rest of leftie Australia appeared to believe all...

Why Tony Abbott returning wouldn’t matter

Recently, Latika Bourke (one of XYZs favourite journalistic affirmative action hires) received a leak about Tony Abbott. Tony Abbott has told right-wing allies in Britain...

The one main reason you must stop voting for the Liberals

Malcolm Turnbull’s little coterie of leftist lickspittles have been starting to question their faltering messiah. Even Nikki Savva, the toxic, snobbish, nepotistic dwarf who serves...

Turnbull has ruined us, time to name and shame

As the coup last September unfolded I was sitting at home with my wife listening to the updates on the radio. As it became...