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Tag: Tony Abbott

Jewish Architect of the voice Exposed – Part 5

Editor’s Note: This week will feature a series of articles written by Brenton Sanderson, courtesy of The Occidental Observer. They focus on the role...

Tony Abbott: China could lash out disastrously

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has delivered a strongly worded speech in Taiwan, reiterating Australia’s determination to be independent of Chinese bullying and stating...

How we know Taiwan is in Dire Straits

The War Drums are beating and this time it’s serious. China is ramping up the pressure on Taiwan. It is sending a record number...

Holden is gone

Hey look on the bright side. You can now get a half decent coffee pretty much anywhere in Melbourne. From the Australian: Australia’s costly love affair...

Creating Ghettos

When people say Tony Abbot was a conservative remember this. As Prime Minister he let in 12,000 people from Syria and Iraq. Today only...

XYZ Live #91 – Victoria Police have Meme Warriors on the...

Topics discussed: If you are a Victorian police officer, you can openly advocate far-left politics but you must not under any circumstances share a...

Melbourne Traditionalists Episode Four: Political Journies

In this episode Mark Moncrieff from Melbourne Traditionalists interviewed me on my political journey from Liberal Party supporter to the ultra reactionary rascal I...

The Polls are Rigged

Remember this? “If we continue with Mr Abbott as prime minister, it is clear enough what will happen. He will cease to be prime minister...

A Tale of Two Ex-Leaders – a 2019 Election Story

With the close of another election the political landscape of Australia has once again been reformed and it is time to endlessly debate the...

Tony Abbott names the Soros

The left have an uncanny knack of picking their most dangerous opponents. Their narcissism may prevent them from being able to understand how normal...