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Tag: Thomas Sewell

Antifa Terrorists ARRESTED by Victoria Police for attacking peaceful protesters

A peaceful protest by NSN activists has once again been marred by Antifa terrorist violence and Victoria Police obstruction. Today, Thomas Sewell’s men assembled...

Total Victory: Monash Council Cancels Groomer Event

And the kvetching has gone right to the top. Once again, Victoria's LGBTQI+ community and entertainers have come under attack by hate groups - this...

Victoria Police Defile Shrine Again: Harass EAM members on Anzac Day

Before I put up the photos from ANZAC day service I want to tell you what happened. Roughly 20 members of The European Australian...

People Power: Monash Groomer Event opposed by hundreds of Aussies

Local councils are currently attempting to swamp opposition to groomer events, referred to euphemistically as “drag queen story hour” or the like, by coordinating...

Did Dvir just DENY the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was born 20 April 1889 and led Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War 2 in 1945....

Our cunning plan to destroy the Liberal Party is working

In just a few days the brave actions of 20 big strong men has changed the face of Australian politics. On Saturday Thomas Sewell’s...

Australia Says No To Groomers

Thomas Sewell today led 20 men in a protest on the steps of parliament in Melbourne against the grooming of children by so-called “trans”...

Australia Day Counter-Counter Protest: Happy Invasion Day, We Won

Five years ago on Australia Day in Melbourne, an aboriginal terrorist called Tarneen Onus Williams from the extremist group Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance...

False Flag Imminent

The jews are in a constant struggle of how to deal with the rise in White Nationalism, specifically its strongest form - National Socialism. In...

Thomas Sewell Is Free: Media Seething

Thomas Sewell is a free man today, much to the chagrin of the Lying Press who had framed him as a violent thug. Although...