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The Liberal Party officially backs Child Grooming and Mass Immigration

Barely a day after expelling Moira Deeming for saying that men are not women, the Liberal Party has openly backed mass replacement immigration. Both...

Antifa Terrorists ARRESTED by Victoria Police for attacking peaceful protesters

A peaceful protest by NSN activists has once again been marred by Antifa terrorist violence and Victoria Police obstruction. Today, Thomas Sewell’s men assembled...

The Liberal Party hits SELF DESTRUCT BUTTON to support Pedo Freaks

Who will vote Liberal after this? Victorian Opposition Leader John Pesutto has confirmed he will support a second motion to expel controversial MP Moira Deeming...

Total Victory: Monash Council Cancels Groomer Event

And the kvetching has gone right to the top. Once again, Victoria's LGBTQI+ community and entertainers have come under attack by hate groups - this...

People Power: Monash Groomer Event opposed by hundreds of Aussies

Local councils are currently attempting to swamp opposition to groomer events, referred to euphemistically as “drag queen story hour” or the like, by coordinating...

Without Big Strong Men, Posie Parker got PULVERISED by Pedo Freaks...

On Saturday 18 March, radical feminist activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, also known as Posie Parker, was able to speak for women freely and in safety...

Fag Andrews flies Pedo Freak Flag

Australian politicians are falling over themselves to virtue signal to pedo freaks in the wake of the epic rally on the steps of Melbourne’s...

Our cunning plan to destroy the Liberal Party is working

In just a few days the brave actions of 20 big strong men has changed the face of Australian politics. On Saturday Thomas Sewell’s...

Australia Says No To Groomers

Thomas Sewell today led 20 men in a protest on the steps of parliament in Melbourne against the grooming of children by so-called “trans”...

Australia Day Counter-Counter Protest: Happy Invasion Day, We Won

Five years ago on Australia Day in Melbourne, an aboriginal terrorist called Tarneen Onus Williams from the extremist group Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance...