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Tag: NSN

NSN April Fools Joke Fools MSM

On April 1 the boys at NSN put out a meme worthy of 4chan. Obviously, nobody actually wants to sleep with a jewish woman. They’re...

NSN is not a terrorist organisation

NSN With the release of ASIO’s annual threat assessment last night, and the extremism inquiry, it is necessary to once again clarify our position on...

The Spiritual Significance of the Grampians White Supremacists

Editor: When a coordinated assault is launched against a set of optics, rest assured, those optics are effective. Time for an encore. Originally published...

Jew admits to using institutional power to lobby against White men...

Anybody who understands the basic biological reality of race can easily discern the fundamental flaws in the theory of multiculturalism. It is natural, normal and...

Far-Right Terrorism: Anatomy of a Lie

Originally published at NSN. 3962 words. Over the past year there has been a concerted attempt by the system and its lackeys in the media to...

Expect a lot more Grampians

Far left foreign women Anne Aly and Kristina Keneally have been so triggered by a bunch of White Aussie guys hiking that they have...