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Tag: Middle East Migrant Crisis

Quote of the Day: Infinite predictive machines for suffering

According to Rationalwiki, "Jean-François Gariépy is a French Canadian YouTube talker who promotes race realism, ethnostates, and other reactionary views." Below is an excellent video...

Quote of the Day: #NotAllOrcs memes are churning out of /pol

The autists who saved America at the 4chan board /pol are attempting to save Europe via their usual meme magic. Their latest trick has...

Quote of the Day: Based Poland defends actions to secure a...

The following headline caught my eye this evening: "Poland defends refugee ban, as EU threatens fines, sanctions." The first thing which occurs to me is that...

Thought for the Day: Stockholm Syndrome

One of the victims of the Stockholm terror attacks was a Belgian psychiatrist dedicated to assisting failed asylum seekers who are expected to leave....

Mainstream Media Cherry Picks Statistics to Declare Populism Dead

"87% have said, 'We don't want this guy'." This is exhibit A in the kind of selective statistics that have worked a charm for mainstream...

A new book is on the rise

Matty's Modern Life A piece in The Age, everyone’s favourite non-taxpayer-funded regressive Left news outlet, caught my eye. It reports on sales of a book...

Why the Left will Lose and We will Win

Recently Peter Dutton, the Australian Immigration Minister, caused a multitude of leftist heads to explode by simply stating the obvious, that our immigration program...

Welcome culture

To the progressive mind, it was great that we welcomed economic migrants, Islamists, and heck even the odd IS fighter. To the progressive mind, Christians...

Inconvenient Truth – Migrants flee Socialism and Islam

Here is a Thought for the Day: In an overly sensitive world, with links drawn between various causes and effects, very often by a cottage...

The Left Are The Real Fascists

By Islamodacity The Left have been working overtime trying to re-define commonsense border security as a cruel mix of racism, nativism, and now more regularly...