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Tag: Middle East Migrant Crisis

Bangladeshi demands German Government fly him to Germany

Iqbal Mohammed, 38, is a resident of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He earns very little, from sporadic work, but he may well have inspired a new...

Ten Point Plan to resolve Middle East Migrant Crisis

A ten point plan to resolve the crisis - for those migrants who are not part of the formal, planned migrant intake at the...

Record number of migrants to Europe – and rising

Europe is setting new records. Just not the right type. If only they could create this many jobs. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34700104 "A monthly record of 218,394 migrants and...

Theologian of the Day

In a devastating critique, the well known theologian and political scientist David Pocock has "taken a swipe" at former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's...

XYZ Quote of the Day: Tony Abbott delivers 2015 Margaret Thatcher...

The XYZ Quote of the Day goes to former Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott, for his stirring address at the 2nd annual Margaret...

The New Normal: The Middle East Migrant Crisis

Since getting into the newspaper caper, we here at The XYZ have learned the hard way lessons which we had, until now, only read...

Dear Middle East, Let’s do a Swap

I believe I have found a solution to the Middle East Migrant Crisis, a solution to the potential Islamisation of Europe, and a solution...

How to solve the Middle East Migrant Crisis: Bribe Turkey

The language in this article from the BBC, on talks between the EU and Turkey on how to stem the flow of migrants into...

Where are the migrants’ families?

Alright here is something you may want to consider: This document shows that all those 20 to 30 year old fellas have the right to...

What is wrong with this… Shameless lie(s) for cash

Welcome to The XYZ's latest instalment of "What is wrong with this..." The latest doozy comes from Terre des Hommes, "a network of ten...