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Tag: I stand with truckies

Trudeau invokes Emergency Act to stop Freedom Convoy: This means it’s...

Escalation. Radicalisation. ' , .. — (@risemelbourne) February 14, 2022 This is good. Very, very good. From PJ Media: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in an unprecedented action, announced...

WEF Shill Jacinda Ardern Labels New Zealand Freedom Protests “Imported”

It’s a tad dangerous for a man pretending to be a woman to suggest that a certain group of people are not the real...

Ottawa issues State of Emergency: Police Outnumbered

Canadians are taking their country back: Canada's capital city continues to be paralysed by mobs of anti-vax mandate protestors as the mayor declares a state...

COVID INFERNO: Trucks Explode At Covid Checkpoint

Covid restrictions are now, literally, blowing up trucks. I’m not even making this up. South Australia’s peak trucking body has slammed the West Australian government...

Slow truck to nowhere

The Yellow Vest protests went on for nearly two years in France and achieved nothing of note for those participating or watching from the...

The Straight White Christian Man

I find myself in a limbo land. The land that I inhabit is a strange realm where lies that have been perpetuated for generations...

Canberra Chaos: Police attack peaceful protesters for no reason

In the last two days, peaceful protesters have swarmed the entrance of Parliament House in Canberra and mobbed the Prime Minister outside the National...

Aussie Truckie Blockade Videos GO VIRAL

Two videos emerged yesterday of Aussie truckies appearing to be engaged in a blockade over vaccine passports. These videos have been copied, shared and...

TRUCKIE VICTORY: South Australia drops mandatory jab for interstate drivers

In a victory for people power, the South Australian government has backflipped on its mandate that interstate truck drivers must have had at least...


UPDATE: Take this story with a big grain of salt, as we have been unable to get confirmation. If there was no Truckie Strike yesterday,...