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Tag: Dvir Abramovich

Did Dvir just DENY the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler was born 20 April 1889 and led Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War 2 in 1945....

Tash Peterson Doubles Down: Reclaims the term “holocaust” from jews

On Saturday, XYZ News reported on a protest by Vegan activist Tash Peterson who described the consumption of Easter Eggs as a “holocaust”, and...

Kanye West to Nuke Melbourne: Dvir Fuming

Yeah the Daily Mail is a Lying Press outlet, but their journalism is still the length of the straight ahead of the rest. They...

Garry Lyon and Tim Watson in trouble for something someone else...

Individuals are completely normal people who never collaborate with other individuals to get ahead of other individuals. Individuals are not collectively more powerful or...

The Swastika Will Defeat Evil

Can you imagine a more sickening, disgusting, evil that would try to ban the world’s oldest symbol of Divinity, Prosperity and Wellbeing? The oldest Swastika...

Man Moans That He Wasn’t Invited To Dinner

It has been a while since I started to take note of the ideas espoused in the name of White advocacy. It is a...

Elon Musk Buys Twitter: Fears Free Speech Could Kill MILLIONS Through...

Health Authorities, Human Rights groups and jewish community leaders are in crisis talks this evening in response to news that SpaceX billionaire Elon Musk...

Daniel Andrews takes credit for slashing overseas arrivals: Burns cross on...

Today Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced a roadmap to get Australia back to covid normal, which involves the mass vaccination of the entire...

Dvir Abramovich launches EPIC RANT against immigrants after pro-Palestinian rally in...

Defamation Commission chairman Dvir Abramovich has launched an epic rant against mass immigration to his dozens of Facebook followers. This was in response to...

The XYZ goads Dvir Abramovich into posting on Facebook for the...

Yesterday we posted a short piece suggesting that everybody’s favourite bloodsucker, Dvir Abramovich, may have been recalled to Israel, as the notorious social media...