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Tag: Capitol Protest

Analysis: Lessons From The January 6th Lie

From National Justice. Joseph Jordan They charged the subjects with murders they did not commit, all while the accusers did not hesitate to sweep their real...

January 6th: Feds File Motion to Conceal Identity and Scope of...

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan The role of FBI agitators in the January 6th incident has been the subject of significant controversy. Some conservative political commentators...

Republican Leaders only care about Themselves

From National Justice Party on 9 August, 2022. Warren Balogh “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye...

It’s Show Time

So the story going round is that Trump tried to carjack himself. In a limo. While he was sitting in the back of it....

The January 6th Protestors took Aim at the King and Missed

In The Prince, Machiavelli writes that it is important to “never do an enemy a small injury”. In other words, if you come at...

Insult to Injury: Donald Trump and the January 6th Political Prisoners

First published at National Justice Party. By Warren Balough 2808 words In what might be the ultimate case of adding insult to injury, at a “Save America”...

Aboriginal activists attempt to STORM PARLIAMENT HOUSE

Some aboriginal activists attempted to storm Parliament House in Canberra today, the real one. More Footage — (@risemelbourne) January 13, 2022 The chaos. It’s beautiful. I...

ABC Bias: Old Parliament House Fire vs US Capital Protests

Watch how the ABC reported the first attack on Old Parliament House and the first fire that scorched the wooden doors. Notice how the...

Exoneration of Ashli Babbitt’s Killer Shows America’s True Racial Hierarchy

From National Justice. On August 20th it was announced that the Capitol Police officer who shot Ashli Babbit dead on January 6th had been formally...

Beware the False Flag

With the growing fallout from the Afghanistan debacle, the looming results of the Arizona audit and the stubborn refusal of a large part of...