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Tag: Brisbane

Premier BACKFLIPS on plan to rename Brisbane to Ooggabooggabuggerton

Yeah okay it’s not going to happen, apparently. The Queensland Premier is trying to hose this one down as fast as she can: Annastacia Palaszczuk...

Brisbane is the real ‘most liveable’ city

From MacroBusiness. Leith van Onselen The Economist’s ‘Most Liveable City’ must surely rank near the top of all the stupid ‘awards’ handed out. The Economist Intelligence Unit...

HUGE Peaceful Freedom Rallies in Queensland and Perth

Melbourne’s reputation has shifted from a place where Antifa terrorists bash grandmothers who just want their country back to a place where Police State...

Homosexuality is not good for you

Over the weekend a clip popped up on my feed of a group of young people in Brisbane loudly disrupting a “drag queen story...

MSM and SJW’s murder conservative activist

A young man named Wilson Gavin who led a protest against a so-called "drag queen story hour" in Brisbane a couple of days ago...

Masked Communists Oppose Fraser Anning & Anti-UnSafe Schools Protestors

If you don't want a far-left "gender theory" and "queer theory" curriculum devised under the auspices of a pedophile apologist taught at school to...

Aussies United Against Un-Safe Schools Rally In Brisbane, September 29

A rally against the Safe Schools Program will be held in Brisbane this Saturday, September 29, between 1pm and 3pm. It will be located...

Rally for white South African farmers in Brisbane, Saturday September 8

Tomorrow, Saturday September 8, 2018, a rally will be held in Brisbane between 2pm and 4pm for white South African farmers who are having...

Grievance Activists Hate Fun

The hijacking of the Commonwealth Games in Queensland by communist activists who want more gibs has continued, with a rabble of about 50 invading...

2000 attend Brisbane rally for white South African farmers

On Sunday 25th of March a rally was held in support of white South Africans, and in particular for white South African farmers who...