Rally for white South African farmers in Brisbane, Saturday September 8

Rally for white South African farmers, 25 March 2018. Photo by Boston White, sourced from the Facebook page of Senator Fraser Anning.

Tomorrow, Saturday September 8, 2018, a rally will be held in Brisbane between 2pm and 4pm for white South African farmers who are having their land stolen by the South African government. The meeting point will be at E.E McCormick Place, Upper Roma Street, Brisbane.

Organisers will also be collecting donations for drought-stricken Aussie farmers. You can view the Facebook event here, and if you are a local, do go along. Here is what the organisers have to say about tomorrow’s event:

“Support us by joining us to condemn the expropriation of land without compensation in South Africa. And to support the farmers in Australia which are affected by the severe drought.

“We will be collecting products for our own Aussie farmers. Please bring the bags full of products to the march.”

“Recently the President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa has announced that they will be taking land without compensation and they will amend the section 25 of the constitution. This section related to all property including land. He has also made it clear that it includes both urban and farming land. This is an attempt to further divide the people of South Africa and to buy votes for the ANC in the upcoming election.

“It will not just impact the farmers who are already being targeted but it will also affect our families and all of the communities in South Africa. It will destroy the farming industry and will lead South Africa to the same fate as Zimbabwe. The only hope we have is to ask the world including Australia to condemn the taking of land without compensation.

“We will confirm the exact address of where we meet as soon as we have all the permits and approvals. Please invite all your friends in Brisbane and surrounds to join this event.”

The XYZ has reported on several rallies which have been held around the country for white South African farmers in Brisbane, Perth, and Sydney. Senator Fraser Anning, who recently blew up Australia’s media and political establishment by asserting the values of the generation who fought for us in the Second World War, has attended past events and will be attending tomorrow. Here he is speaking in Sydney alongside Lauren Southern:

These rallies are important for several reasons:

  • To keep in the public eye the fact that white South Africans are having their land stolen, a situation which will likely plunge South Africa into economic collapse, famine and civil war.
  • To maintain pressure on Australia’s political leaders to persuade the South African government to cease its suicidal policies.
  • To lobby the Australian government to accept white South African skilled migrants and refugees.
  • To continue growing a grassroots patriotic movement and foster the increasing awareness real Australians have of the importance of their identity.

The XYZ will continue to report on the most pressing moral issue of our time.