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Tag: Black Pigeon Speaks

Civil War is Total War

Originally published June 25, 2018. Europe is a good news story these days. The people are either electing governments which defend their borders, their culture...

Quote of the Day: Make Australia Grouse Again

Tonight's Quote of the Day is basically a shout out to a man who has gone by many names on the internet - Robbie...

Quote of the Day: Diversity is our gun violence

There is a meme which has been doing the rounds, which provides a reality check to the regressive left mantra that "diversity is our...

Lauren Southern on White Genocide in South Africa

Tradthot or not, Lauren Southern is using her powers for good, travelling the world detailing the attempts to extinguish the white race, and the...

Quote of the Day: “Alternative” is now Mainstream

It has been a big day on The XYZ. Lucas Rosas' excellent exposé of the communists embedded in the Australian education system has struck...

Viewer Poll: Is Feminism Cancer?

There is still time to vote in The XYZ Viewer Poll dedicated to the most important moral question of our time: Is Feminism Cancer? This...

Quote of the Day: Things will be what women decide them... The video above is of excellent quality, as is the habit of Black Pigeon Speaks. He summarises how Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban has...

Black Pigeon Speaks: Why We Need To Genetically Engineer White Superhumans...

Black Pigeon Speaks has, as usual, provided a thought provoking video. Here, he discusses the science and ethics of eugenics and genetic engineering. The West's...

Black Pigeon Speaks: Britain was never “A Nation of Immigrants”

In this video, Black Pigeon Speaks demolishes the myth that Britain was "a nation of immigrants". DNA evidence demonstrates that native Britains have much the...

Ingroup preference vs universalism

Black Pigeon Speaks is a rising star of the internet. He has the ability to convey a lot of information very succinctly and without...