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Australia’s first openly homosexual Prime Minister to march at Sydney Mardi Gras

AnAl is Australia’s first openly homosexual Prime Minister. He has announced his intention to become Australia’s first Prime Minister to march at the Sydney Mardi Gras: Anthony Albanese will become the first Prime Minister to march...

Good Times, Bad Times

It is much harder to be a Christian in good times as opposed to bad times. By Christian I mean someone who faithfully follows the 10 Commandments and whose life is based around prayer....

Liberals and Conservatives Don’t Understand History

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders One of the startling things about being on our side of the political spectrum is the ability to look at everything else with a sceptical, clear mindset. You aren’t caught up...

Government which spies on us triggered that China might be spying on them

The Australian government’s obsession with selling all of its public assets to China got so bad that it realised last year it would have to build a whole new friggin Port of Darwin. Turns...

300,000 Fake Aborigines

The entire aboriginal industry could collapse under the weight of its own bullshit: More Australians are falsely claiming to be Aboriginal to cash in on benefits, according to several prominent Indigenous figures and an amateur...

The Earth is getting COLDER because of THE SUN

Viv Forbes According to the clerics of the Green Cult, once we blow up our last coal mine, send all diesel engines to the wreckers, stop using concrete, reinvent sailing clippers, cover the grasslands with...

Illegal Migrant who Killed Bournemouth DJ had Serbia Murder Conviction

From Patriotic Alternative. South West Media Team Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, 21, an illegal migrant posing as an asylum seeker from Afghanistan, was convicted of the murder of Tom Roberts outside Subway in Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, following...

Extremist Lidia Thorpe Quits Greens: Joins Black Terrorist Organisation

What a fruitcake. From the Guardian: Victorian senator Lidia Thorpe has announced she is quitting the Greens and will move to the crossbench. Thorpe made the announcement at a press conference in Canberra on Monday afternoon, after...

Covid: Conspiracy or Stupidity?

From Patriotic Alternative. Edward Saunders There is no doubt that the 2020-22 period in our lives is unlikely to be erased quickly from our memories, though the way people remember it may vary. For those on...

Epic Video: Channel 9 Reporter gets taste of her own medicine

Based. Brad intimidates a reporter I’m Melbourne Sat arvo pic.twitter.com/idpA5gJHYD — Stacey Goodwin (@StaceyG18961759) February 4, 2023 Why doesn’t she want to answer any questions? If she’s done nothing wrong she’s got nothing to hide. From nEwS.cOm: A shocking...