Erskine Residents Outraged by Threats of Far-left Violence


From Patriotic Alternative.

Kenny Smith

Local residents in Erskine have condemned far-left extremists who have been coming into the Renfrewshire town and issuing threats against the Erskine Says No campaigners. The community has been peacefully demonstrating outside the Muthu Glasgow River Hotel every Sunday at 12 noon since 5th February. The protests have been organised to address local concerns about the housing of 200 young male migrant men in the hotel.

Local people have raised questions about community safety after it was revealed local politicians were aware of the plan and failed to consult the local community. Tensions were raised further when it was revealed that these migrants were not fleeing war-torn nations like Ukraine and they were mostly undocumented and unvetted. A local nursery has gone on virtual lockdown since the announcement.

Since the first Sunday demonstration, groups of extreme left-wing counter-protestors have been arriving from Glasgow and further afield on buses laid on by various Marxist groups including Stand Up to Racism which is a front group for the Socialist Worker’s Party. Some have come dressed like a black-clad paramilitary gang with red face masks and spewed their vitriolic hate at local Erskine residents.

Thugs shipped into Erskine trying to intimidate locals.

Large numbers of police have been drafted in each week to deal with the threat of far-left violence and ensure the safety of local residents. This has not stopped the thugs from issuing threats of violence across the barriers erected by the council; a measure introduced after the Marxist yobs broke through police lines twice at the first demo.


Vile songs of hate that include threats to burn, behead and drown the Erskine Says No demonstrators have largely been ignored by the police but one of the most vocal left-wing agitators was arrested after the second demonstration for inciting violence against two individuals (Simon Crane and Kenny Smith) by informing the mob that she had their addresses and they should be visited and dealt with.

The woman with a thick Australian accent has not been seen at the subsequent protests because it will breach her bail conditions. This has pleased the locals who were far from amused by the vile comments she had been making over her megaphone.

Local support of Erskine Says No campaign has been growing with some residents citing they have only started attending because they don’t like being told what to think by outside rabble rousers. One resident said; “It’s disgusting that these extremists arrive here by bus then call us racist and fascist simply because we want to keep our kids safe. I only came down here today, because I wanted to see for myself that the stories of their hate were true.”

Another Erskine woman told our reporter; “These people do not speak for Erskine. They are over there screaming at us but I only recognise one local face in there. The local people are standing on this side of the fence and we are saying No!”

Each week the Erskine Says No campaign has continued to grow, while the number of counter-protesters has dwindled. This weekend the far-left extremists have again laid on a bus from Glasgow and are desperately appealing for support across Scotland to come and help them agitate against the good folk of Erskine.

The local campaigners have vowed to continue their peaceful protests until the hotel stops housing migrants. Many have noted the good-natured feel on their side of the fence. Tea and coffee has been served of late while music is played giving the gathering a festive feel. Local residents and campaigners get the opportunity to have their say, give speeches and share stories about the developing situation in their community.

A spokeswoman of Erskine Says No urged local residents to come out in even larger numbers every week to help put pressure on the Home Office, politicians and the police and make them see sense. She also praised the police for their excellent work in keeping the left-wing hate mob away from local residents every week.