Biggest Defence Review since WW2 to fight China: White Men ignored
The Australian government has urgently commissioned its most important defence review since World War 2. Two key geopolitical developments have in the last year undermined two of the three pillars of Australia’s defence.
Firstly, the...
Did Dvir just DENY the holocaust?
Adolf Hitler was born 20 April 1889 and led Germany from 1933 until his death at the end of World War 2 in 1945. Controversially, many claim without evidence that he was responsible for...
Melbourne man smashes camera in CBD
This is probably illegal but it is not bizarre.
Melbourne Man takes a Hammer to The CBD Security Cameras .... Reason yet unknown, but lets hope he's one of us and sick of 24/7 Surveillance...
God versus LGBTQX
First the gays didn’t want to have the shit kicked out of them while being arrested for indecency by the local coppers. They just wanted to be able to ply their deviancy in peace,...
Jewish Organizations Are Close To Legally Ending Free Speech On The Internet
From National Justice Party.
Joseph Jordan
The Supreme Court is currently authoring its opinion on Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, an enormously consequential decision that could radically change how we use the internet.
Lidia Thorpe is NOT racist: Here’s why
After a litany of insane stunts, the Lying Press have decided Lidia Thorpe is just too radical for their coordinated, slow but steady Overton Window shift, so she has to go. Sky News have...
Antifa Militia Group Informs On “Trans” Activist To FBI
From National Justice Party.
Joseph Jordan
The Washington DC chapter of the notorious John Brown Gun Club (JBGC) is being criticized by fellow anarchists for its decision to inform on a militant transsexual to the FBI.
FOI Request Revelation: Voice to Parliament will lead to Treaty, Reparations
A Freedom of Information Request has resulted in the publication of the Final Report of the Referendum Council, which you can read in full here.
(Edit: The Final Report of the Referendum Council was already...
Lidia Thorpe says she’s not crazy: Claims PM reads XYZ
After Lidia Thorpe’s latest meltdown caught on camera, basically everybody agrees with XYZ News regarding Lidia Thorpe now. There’s something wrong with her:
The independent senator Lidia Thorpe has hit back at Anthony Albanese’s suggestions...
Migrants swamp Melbourne because they hate White people
A self hating white “academic” has admitted that migrants hate Australians, and this hatred of us affects their decision making:
An academic has claimed more migrants have been moving to Melbourne because Sydney is considered...