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Covid – State Sanctioned Mass Murder

At the very beginning of the Covid debacle, I came down hard with a very bad case of the flu. This was while I was living in the Netherlands. At any other time of...

What happened in hospitals during Covid?

From Richardson Post and American Thinker. Stella Paul Hospitals should be places you can trust to provide comfort and healing when you’re most vulnerable. But that trust may have been shattered by brutal Covid protocols that...

This Is Why There Is Crime In Alice Springs

I visited Alice Springs, I saw what was going on, people (White) are leaving the town because the Aboriginals have made the place too dangerous to live. It’s a sad story, we are witnessing...

“Nice BBQ” leads to Race War in Melbourne’s West

The Lying Press are insisting that one random group of men had a massive brawl with weapons with another group of random men for no reason whatsoever. The police don’t know who they are...

Welcome to country and Smoking Ceremonies Are BULLSHIT

From Cairns News. South Australian Conservatives A former indigenous politician who received a prestigious award from Barack Obama has described Aboriginal’ welcome to country’ ceremonies as ‘bullshit’. Quote from former indigenous NT minister Bess Price (mother of...

The Voice: Trojan Horse to take our land – Part 2

By Stephen Reason at Just One Focus and Stephen Reason Substack. Australia, and our Australian democratic freedoms are in the sights of a cunning Global Predator. 1 Foreign vultures silently circle our Great Southern Land,...

Victoria Police Defile Shrine Again: Harass EAM members on Anzac Day

Before I put up the photos from ANZAC day service I want to tell you what happened. Roughly 20 members of The European Australian Movement attended the Melbourne CBD service at the Shrine of...

People Power: Monash Groomer Event opposed by hundreds of Aussies

Local councils are currently attempting to swamp opposition to groomer events, referred to euphemistically as “drag queen story hour” or the like, by coordinating to organise such groomer events all over Australia. Refreshingly, ordinary...

Lidia Thorpe for Prime Minister

And in today’s “news” the Prime Minister of Australia Anthony Albanese has called out Senator Lidia Thorpe for her “inappropriate” behaviour outside a Melbourne strip club where she was filmed in an altercation with...

The Voice: Trojan Horse to take our land – Part 1

By Stephen Reason at Just One Focus. On March 23, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese ‘teared up at times,’ while introducing the referendum question and the principles of the Voice.1 It is doubtful that this weaselling-dunderhead...