A “No” To SSM Is a “Yes” to Freedom, Not a Denial Of It

Treating the slippery slope argument in the SSM debate as if it were a fallacy is to commit a fallacy. It’s ridiculous to discount the slippery slope argument as reactionary, backward, uncouth and pessimistic. It...

Australian settlement, chess, and Pirate Pete

From time to time your author here takes time off his own massive ego and dips into the articles published by fellow XYZ contributors. One that stuck in the mind was by guest J Marc Schmidt...

He/She/Please report for re-education

Some of our readers may be aware of an organisation known as the AFL. As an outsider it seems to be an Ultra-Left political group that also has something to do with sports. Not...

Ben Shapiro is WRONG on Abortion – What is potential human life?

Editor: Here is an interesting piece from MattysModernLife. It is not a pro-abortion argument by any stretch, but he makes an interesting case about where life begins. What do you think? https://youtu.be/q-ewpcYtj6Q You can visit MattysModernLife...

Quote of the Day: Dumbest Headline Ever

Fair readers of The XYZ, how well do you trust this headline? "Turnbull says same-sex marriage won’t be an issue at next election". Do you find this opening sentence credible? "Malcolm Turnbull says same-sex marriage will not...

Communists scream “Nazi” at Jew; Media covers up

On this Sunday past about 150 Communists and Anarchists lined up in the centre of Melbourne to scream “Nazi” at a decidedly dusky Jewish man wearing a kippah while protesting bail laws. Yup, that actually...

Sam Newman declares he loves Big Brother, offers to round up more troglodytes

In a Channel 9 studio ringed by heavily armed Antifa members, Sam Newman has declared that he loves Big Brother. He also made the following promise to the Glorious Leaders of the People's Republic...

Murdoch Murdoch: The Ghosts of America

The XYZ stands for free speech. Period. Murdoch Murdoch are battling for the soul of America. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dMAk3PRn5_0

Don’t shoot the fat messenger

Apparently one of the problems associated with being a fat tub of lard is the chafing that results over the course of the day while your odious rolls of fat collide with each other...

A Grumpy Thought: Literacy > Gender Politics

From Daily Mail: A new national assessment will see students in the first grade undergo literacy and numeracy tests so they don't 'fall between the cracks.' At present the NAPLAN system tests children from years three,...

4 Reasons for the Undecided to Vote No to Same-Sex Marriage

J Marc Schmidt By now you should have your postal survey form about same-sex marriage, or will receive it soon. If you're passionate about this issue one way or the other, like our Prime Minister,...

Biology Is Not a Social Construct: Why “P” Cannot Equal “Q” Without Perpetual Revolution

Rod Lampard Whether you’re for or against same-sex marriage, room needs to be made for answers to fundamental questions about the consequences and fabric of the issue. Swiping these away with the empty words of “love...

Melbourne: Far-left activists hurl obscenities at peaceful right-wing protest

It was a sunny Spring* day in Melbourne today, with an official maximum of 18 degrees, however it felt warmer in direct sunlight. Several attractive women were spotted wearing shorts. A protest was held outside...

Who will play in the AFL Grand Final?

In by far the most important segment of the convesation between MattysModernLife and David Hiscox, The XYZ Editor makes a complete tool of himself by predicting adamantly that Sydney will make the AFL Grand...

Gay Marriage, Polygamy and beating the Regressive Left

Editor: This part of the discussion between MattysModernLife and David Hiscox ranges across some interesting topics. They discuss the silencing tactics of the Yes campaign and several arguments used by the Yes campaign, before...

Food For Thought – Give Me A Home Where The White Man Can Own

America, which has the capability to nuke the planet five times over (and a President who won’t rule out using them against the homelands of White Europeans), appears to be manoeuvring its might against...

Still Nein: A Response To Janet Albrechtsen’s Libertarian Conservative “Yes” To SSM

This article was originally published on 6/9/2017 at http://www.rodlampard.com/ Rod Lampard I purchase the Wednesday edition of The Australian, not only for the mid-week news coverage, but also for the commentary. Given the hostile nature of...

Quote of the Day: If You live in Freedom, Thank the British Empire

Courtesy of Prager University: "The British believed the final and necessary justification of their empire was a moral one. The British kept the peace, they brought sound, honest administration, and they insisted that basic moral...

NT Govt’s newest CBD app to launch

BarbariaPolitica Months on from the exciting announcement in this year’s budget; the NT Government’s interactive app ‘Where Can I take a Shit?’ went live this morning on the Esplanade. The app provides location data across...

Fighting the wrong war

This article was originally published on 11/9/2017 at https://pushingrubberdownhill.com/, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam's books here. The Nazi Larper event at Charlottesville occurred a week before I was due to...