7 leftist extremists the media lied to you about

Time and time again Journalists in Australia cover up for the far left. Over and over they fail to do even the most basic research when reporting on the most radical and violent political...

Quote of the Day: 30 Newspolls in a row

From the Sydney Morning Herald, September 14, 2015, quoting Malcolm Turnbull, upon his replacement of Tony Abbott as Prime Minister: "Now if we continue with Mr Abbott as Prime Minister, it is clear enough what...

Wang Show 007 – Catch 32

Editor: This episode of The Wang Show is a must-listen. Vic pulls apart the "data" the Economist Uses to consistently label Melbourne the world's most liveable city, and reveals it to be nonsense. This...

Food for thought – In Whiteness We Trust

According to a Washington Post ABC poll 22 million Americans support “the far-right” in the wake of Charlottesville. That’s 9% of the American population who’re sympathetic to full blown GTKRWN sentiment (which precludes the...

The Solidarity of Suffering: From Racism to Empathy

This article was originally published in June 2016 at http://www.rodlampard.com/, and has since been edited slightly. The solidarity of suffering is a field of mutuality that lies unexplored. It’s all too easily drowned out by...

Nation on alert as Yes vote climbs to 10%

BarbariaPolitica Recently I attended a meeting of the Gentleman’s Etcetera Club, a forum based in Sydney for gentlemen of all backgrounds. Membership of the forum is by invitation with the aim to have gentlemen from...

Say it with a Picture: The left are…

Editor: Liberator Zen has produced a little something for us.  To get it, it helps to understand political symbolism, and to remember that the left always projects. It's your XYZ.

The power and passion of local councils

There is an Idiom; Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. The bitchy expansion to this wisdom is that those who can’t teach, run for council. Councils within Australia perform the vital tasks of cleaning...

Barth & Scruton: Where God’s Revelation Meets The West & All The Rest

Karl Barth and Roger Scruton make unlikely conversation partners. Barth, was a Reformed Swiss theologian, who held up the distinction between theology and philosophy, and Scruton is a British philosopher who talks theology, but...

Poll: 88% of Australians oppose gay marriage

An XYZ viewer poll has confirmed the trend suggested by a Newspoll conducted for the Australian, with The XYZ's much more reliable poll showing that 88% of Australians oppose changing the law to allow...

The Ballad of Mao-Tse Wong

Boldly, brave old Mao-Tse, rode forth from Canberralot, She was not afraid to proclaim that same sex was a blot, She was not at all afraid to be doxxed in nasty ways And her ‘good’ name tarred...

London acid attacks not terror, just Islamic

There has been yet another acid attack in London: "Six people have been injured in a suspected noxious substance attack at an east London shopping centre. "The incident was not being treated as terror-related.." "Terror-related" "incidents" never...

Tanya Plibersek said it is ok to invade your privacy because she hates democracy

Labor's Deputy Opposition Leader, Tanya Plibersek has dismissed the genuine concern of thousands of Australians over how the Yes campaign got hold of their phone number, by declaring that "we didn't want this postal...

Gay Marriage, Google’s Suicide attempt, YouTube Censorship and More

Here is the full interview between MattysModernLife and David Hiscox. Will their footy predictions prove mostly correct? We'll find out very soon.. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YjLDrMxfeRg You can visit MattysModernLife at https://www.facebook.com/MattysModernLife/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Quote of the Day: The problem in Venezuela

On Tuesday 19th of September, US President Donald Trump gave an important speech outlining American foreign policy priorities. Aside from making it clear that the North Korean dictatorship has very little time left on...

The mythical boundaries of hate speech

My homie Swapsman over on Gab hooked me up with this link to an article from Australia on the old gay marriage blitz that’s currently going on down under. When it opens you’ll get...

Dating and Relationship advice with relationship expert Harvey Hooke

MattysModernLife covers a diverse range of topics with his guests. Please let us know if you find this video of interest. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CmsYSLOSAW4 You can visit MattysModernLife at https://www.facebook.com/MattysModernLife/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Energy policy in the dock, as ‘boasting rights at the stupid table’ views revealed...

BarbariaPolitica In a stunning coup for Darwin’s own BarbariaPolitica, this reporter has managed to secure a copy of a draft response from the Turnbull Government to an ordinary citizen angry at the lack of leadership...

A “No” To SSM Is a “Yes” to Freedom, Not a Denial Of It

Treating the slippery slope argument in the SSM debate as if it were a fallacy is to commit a fallacy. It’s ridiculous to discount the slippery slope argument as reactionary, backward, uncouth and pessimistic. It...

Australian settlement, chess, and Pirate Pete

From time to time your author here takes time off his own massive ego and dips into the articles published by fellow XYZ contributors. One that stuck in the mind was by guest J Marc Schmidt...