Poll Result: Pretty much everybody hates Clementine Ford

The XYZ Viewer Poll from a couple of weekends ago has been an exercise in the bleeding obvious. Clementine Ford is awful and everybody hates her: Clementine Ford has a dark history of calling for...

Propertarianism SIMPLY Explained

Propertarianism is an idea developed out of Libertarianism that puts the truth above all things and examines everything through the scientific method. YouTuber John Mark has grown very quickly by explaining the ideas clearly and...

There is no such thing as a hate crime

I was rereading my piece from the other day titled, Be careful what you wish for, about the Jessie Smollett case and fake hate crimes when a sudden realisation came over me; an incredibly...

Deefer: The Apology

Deefer rips into victim culture and the idiocy of so-called "cultural appropriation: Yeah I don’t care if you disagree It’s not about the truth it’s just all about me I’ll villainize you that’s guaranteed I demand an apology With...

Food For Thought – I Can’t Draw It

Recently I did this small write-up about the Jewish lobby’s systematic targeting of cartoonists like Renato Aroeira and Maurice Sinet, for their sin of critiquing Jews with illustrations. Guilty of this “anti-Semitic” sin myself, I...

Jordan Peterson “DESTROYS” feminists on Q&A

Jordan Peterson recently ventured onto ABC Australia’s flagship political program Q&A, and the panel was stacked in the fashion you would expect from the ABC. He did well but in the end he wasn’t the...

Be careful what you wish for

The rise in hate crimes. So many MSM fake news pieces start off with a segue much like that. If we believed the purveyors of fake news it would seem that the Western world has...

XYZ Live #56 – Jordan Peterson “DESTROYS” Feminists on Q&A and the David Icke...

Jordan Peterson's appearance on their ABC's QandA on Monday night may not have provided the fireworks that some may have hoped for but it provided plenty of food for thought. In particular: The horrendous...

George Pell and the Australian assault on Christianity

An article snuck across my radar last week, hidden at the very bottom of the news, seemingly only included as a necessity that had to be included for the sake of ticking all the...

Food For Thought – Rotten Tomatoes Declares War On White Movie Going Audience

It appears Rotten Tomatoes are vamping up their censorship of movie going audiences: Starting this week, Rotten Tomatoes will launch the first of several phases of updates that will refresh and modernize our Audience Rating...

Rulers go NUCLEAR on Yellow Vests protests

It is come. The establishment have thrown the nuclear option at the Yellow-Vest protests, and no I’m not talking about the usual biased fake news media reporting. I’m not even talking about the brutally...

David Icke proves Australia is a ONE-PARTY STATE

The Australian government cancelled David Icke’s visa just four hours before he was due to fly here. They acted at the behest of a very small group of people who seem to have a...

Monday night Livestream postponed to Tuesday 26/2/19

Regular readers of The XYZ will be familiar with the ongoing debate we have hosted regarding whether Jordan Peterson is approved opposition, or merely a boomer who can't get over his blind opposition to...

Crybully Yumi Stynes Faceplants Into Overton Window

Here is a visual representation of what happened to Yumi Stynes when she thought she could bully Kerri-Anne Kennerley with the charge of racism: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xGt28TTzA3A#searching Here's another: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=90KG5WumqBA For too long, the crybullies of the left thought they...

Why Stopping Hitler was a Colossal Waste of Life

So there I am, waltzing down the street towards the pub after a hard day at the high paying airconditioned office job I obtained by being white straight and male. The high school up...

Is Multiculturalism DIVIDING Australia into Tribes?

Recently we’ve seen two stories that show us what happens in a Multicultural society; Multiculturalism just divides us against each other. This is especially bad as those of us here should at least unite under...

Did Fake Climate Change Kill a Fake Rat Species?

There is an island up the very top of Australia in the Torres Straight that is big enough to allow a sports fan to set up a soccer field and still have space left...

Child Sacrifice

We live in an era of child sacrifice. What future generations will think about the West’s commitment to murdering its unborn infants under the pretext that women should be allowed to do whatever they...

White People Existing is now Anti-Semitism

The ABC have just broken the Golden Rule of australian Mainstream Media: Don’t mention the XYZ The reason is essentially what one would expect - “Muh Anti-Semitism.” They also broke the golden rule of debate: “If you...

Karl Marx’s Grave Vandalised and the Left are UPSET

Someone recently vandalised Karl Marx’s graves in London. This has managed to garner a reaction from his modern day supporters, namely Suzanne Moore of the Guardian. As Matty's Modern Life puts it, you can't vandalise...