The United Ethnostates Of Nordland

White people make up 8% of the world’s population so if you flood all white majority countries with non-whites you eliminate white children for ever. There will still be a billion Africans in Africa,...

Scott Morrison SLAMMED on Social Media for saying Biden Won

Daggy Dad Aussie PM Scott Morrison has totally cucked out, congratulating Creepy Joe Biden for his media declared win in the US Presidential Election. He’s an idiot. The media does not declare victory in a...

The Biggest Red Pill: Trump Stands His Ground

For an entire week the media the world over has attempted a coordinated gaslighting operation to convince their dwindling viewership that Joseph Biden won the 2020 US Presidential Election. Gaslighting is a method used by an...

Quitting all mainstream media

The events of the past week have caused a change in my daily habits. It has long been my habit to read The Australian newspaper, or at least glance through it. Once I would...

Just a coincidence: Breakthrough cure for Coronavirus announced today

Screenshot this while you can. Timing is everything. This was from the Guardian, 17/09/2020: Donald Trump, continuing to contradict what Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield said earlier today, just said at a press...

XYZ Live #141 – Pallets Full of Ballots

Basically just one and a half hours of baseless allegations that the US Presidential Election was rigged. Enjoy. On Sunday night Matty’s Modern Life analysed the election with guest “Reviler”.

Don’t Despair

The news services have announced Joe Biden as President-Elect of the United States. Many of you will be feeling down and as if we have no future, but to that I say don't despair. First,...

Food For Thought – The Senile Symbionese Shande

Firstly I can’t stress this enough. One of the largest per capita demographics that voted for Biden with a 56 point margin were Jews (77% of Jews voting Biden). Jews contribute more than half...

Stick a fork in the USA

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here. Joe Biden has now been declared the winner, When a man is in a bad relationship there may come a time when he...

Food For Thought – “It Works! Violence Works!”

A quote of the day from November 2017 explains what’s going on in America at the moment. Biden, who nobody believes is winning this election with any degree of legitimacy, is explicitly known as...

Food For Thought – Nobody Believes Butt-Goy Biden Is Beating Trump

Following on from my US election bet it appears the voting tally has been hit with various Democrat chicaneries chipping away at the prospect of a Trump win in multiple states with broad based...

The Oera Linda Manuscript

The Oera Linda manuscript was written in a form of Old Frision, purporting to cover historical, mythological, and religious themes of remote antiquity, from 2194 BC to 803 AD. The manuscript came to light...

3 Big Decisions in 3 Days which will impact Australia more than the US...

A whirlwind of information is currently bombarding us regarding the rigged US election and the racial-religious war being unleashed in Europe. Meanwhile back home in Oz, three big moves have been made in the...

The fix is in

There is enough confusion and false trails among the simple act of counting some votes that point to the obvious conclusion that the fix is in. Hell, even third world shitholes are better able...

The Democrats are trying to steal the election, as expected

We got to witness election fraud in action today. I was on The Uncuckables US Election Livestream between just before the 2 hour mark and just before the 4 hour mark. The action happened...

Food For Thought – Trump Reloaded

Earlier this year, before the Iowa Democratic presidential caucuses, I placed two bets on Biden to secure the Democrat nomination (totally $1188) which proved accurate: However, given the analysis I’d seen come from Vincent James at The...

The Uncuckables Ep. 92 The US Presidential Apocalypse

We are live now. XYZ editor David Hiscox will be on for a couple of hours between 1:45-4pm AEDT.

He is not some sort of god-emperor

Today the USA formerly goes to the polls. I continue to be a fan and supporter of Donald Trump, as I have been from the first day that he stood with sixteen other hopefuls...

Opinion: The Last White Man

Originally published at National Justice. Trump is going to win. That's what the only poll that isn't designed as infotainment for suburban "Karens" -- who are actually loyal Democrats -- is saying. Many nationalists plan to vote for Trump, not due to...

Say it with a Picture: Melbourne University advertising for Asian Female Cyborgs

Melbourne University appears to be going for the transhuman angle, to augment its standard race mixing. We can take comfort in the fact that when this Asian Female Cyborg with the disgusting haircut gets browned...