SA Government launches INSANE COMMUNIST RAID on NSN with OVER 100 POLICE

A baby joey bandicoot rescued by Queensland members of NSN while on a hike.

The South Australian government has effectively declared itself a terrorist entity, launching pre-dawn, no-knock raids on members of peaceful political activist organisation NSN. In a series of videos which you can view at Telegram and below, Thomas Sewell has outlined the facts regarding the matter.

  • 15 members were terrorised by police raids at 5:00 am. These raids were pre-dawn and no-knock, which means they just broke the doors down.
  • Tens of thousands of dollars of legally owned electronic equipment was seized, along with legally held political material.
  • The lowest number of police used in a single raid is believed to be 4, indicating that a massive, coordinated operation was undertaken, potentially involving over 100 police officers.

This indicates a dramatic escalation by state or federal authorities against ordinary Australians who just want their country back. NSN is a peaceful nationalist organisation which engages in peaceful political activism, has committed no crime and explicitly disavows terrorism. Its members regularly disseminate publicity material in their local communities:

On a recent hike, Queensland NSN members rescued a baby joey bandicoot.

A baby joey bandicoot rescued by Queensland members of NSN while on a hike.

These raids are also believed to be the first time pre-dawn, no-knock raids have been used against a peaceful political organisation in Australia, thus the first time this level of police conduct has been wielded against members of the Australian public purely for their political views.

Immense pressure is being exerted on the Australian federal government to change the law in order to make the legal activities of NSN illegal, highlighted by a deluge of poorly researched and subjective hit pieces in the Lying Press over the last two years and culminating in the so-called “Inquiry into Extremist Movements and Radicalism in Australia”. Three of the 11 members of the Inquiry are jews, and a further 5 have disturbingly close ties to Israel and/or jewish groups operating in Australia. This indicates that decision making on the Inquiry is being driven by agents of a foreign power rather than by Australians, for Australians.

Correspondence viewed by The XYZ indicates that submissions made by nationalists to the inquiry will taken into account but not be published, and Thomas Sewell has indicated that a submission by his own organisation has not even been acknowledged.

Local blog Business Insider has reported on the raids, claiming that one NSN member was arrested for possession of what is claimed to be an “IED”, while another was arrested for possession of what is claimed to be “extremist material”.

In a bizarre passage, Business Insider appears to infer that an NSN member possessed material encouraging terrorism:

“He also claims that police seized electronic devices and “political material” during the searches.

“Sewell falsely claims that there is no definition of extremist material, a legal term that’s defined as including material that directly or indirectly encourages, glorifies, promotes or condones terrorist acts.”

This is despite the fact that as stated, NSN explicitly disavows terrorism. Last month, Thomas Sewell used legal force against a security guard who assaulted his cameraman outside a Channel 9 studio. Recently, NSN has been the subject of blatant lies by Israeli spy Dvir Abramovich, who claims that an April Fool prank encouraged members to “rape” jewish women in Melbourne’s inner south, when the prank explicitly warned against rape:

These lies have since been repeated in the Herald Sun newspaper, which conveniently blurred out the photo of the whiteboard so the contradictory evidence could not be seen by its readers.

It is unclear whether legal action is being planned against either Abramovich or the Herald Sun in response to these false allegations.