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Tag: Worldwide Rally For Freedom

Video of Victoria Police checking a man’s coffee goes viral

I actually can’t believe I had to write that headline. If you had asked me in 2017 what I thought I would be writing...

DIFFICULT TO WATCH: The moment a Melbourne woman cries out for...

This video literally sums up modern Australia. Difficult to watch. A woman arrested on suspicion of protesting against #COVID19 Tyranny in Princess Park, #Melbourne, cries...

World Wide Rally For Freedom Australia: Tomorrow, Saturday October 16

Australia is now a focal point in the worldwide struggle for freedom against Covid Tyranny. The battle will recommence tomorrow at 12 pm with...

FREEDOM RALLY TOMORROW to support Construction Workers

Big moves are afoot in Victoria. Organisers of the Melbourne Freedom Rally have announced that they will be protesting tomorrow in support of construction...

Victoria Police Brutality: Lying Press admits Elderly Lady was Assaulted

This is an elderly woman. — Caldron Pool (@CaldronPool) September 18, 2021 This is how the Lying Press operates: It only reports on something which...

Age Journalist Pepper Sprayed by Police at Anti-Lockdown Protest

Victoria Police are investigating an incident in which two members of the media, including an Age photographer, were pepper-sprayed and another was knocked over...

The Image that SHOCKED a Nation

Australians have been repeatedly shocked by scenes of unprovoked and unnecessary brutality by police against peaceful protesters at Freedom rallies in Melbourne in recent...

HUGE Peaceful Freedom Rallies in Queensland and Perth

Melbourne’s reputation has shifted from a place where Antifa terrorists bash grandmothers who just want their country back to a place where Police State...

Richmond Protest: Police knock over old lady, masses break police lines

Victoria Police deliberately engineered chaotic scenes at Melbourne’s world Wide Rally for Freedom. In erecting a so-called Ring of Steel around the CBD, the...

Richmond Freedom Protest Is Underway

With police erecting a Ring of Steel around Melbourne’s CBD, the city is eerily quiet. No trams, no trains in the Melbourne CBD this morning....