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Tag: South Australia

Not even Aboriginals want a Voice to Parliament

Two weekends ago when South Australia held a vote for a state-based “voice to parliament” for aboriginals, almost nobody showed up: From Australians vs The...

Voice to Parliament: South Australia Defies Democracy

Not only did nobody ask for a “voice to parliament”, the entire concept was comprehensively rejected by the Australian people. Despite this, in South...

Will SA Government Cancel Aboriginal Art Gallery?

In May 2020, XYZ reported that the South Australian government planned to construct a $200 million aboriginal art gallery designed by a homosexual jewish-American...

South Australia imposes $75,000 fines, 2 years jail for Covid breaches

You know things are bad when even the Lying Press is calling you a dictator. The dictator virus is spreading: Anyone found breaching Covid rules in...

“Double vaxxed isn’t fully vaxxed”: SA government launches booster scare campaign

The South Australian government has “been forced to use scare tactics” to push more dangerous Covid vaccines on its subjects: Aus First it was meant...

Woman’s Car TORCHED: Blamed For Lockdown

Remember that time the media made us terrified of AIDS then spent the next four decades telling us not to be scared of homosexuals? How...

VACCINE MANDATE: 20% of Adelaide healthcare workers could walk

Some amazing statistics have come out of South Australia in the wake of plans for mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers. Demonstrating just how unpopular...

Common Law Court member arrested for being ERRATIC

I can’t believe this is happening in Australia: "These big four-wheel-drives came racing around here really fast and a big tanker-car came here with big...

South Australia BANS DANCING: No, we’re not making this up

The South Australian government has banned dancing. So-called “fact checkers” will debunk this claim, listing the conditions upon which dancing is permitted. At this...

The Whole World is HORRIFIED about Australia’s Covid Tracking App

Yesterday The XYZ reported on the fact that international outlets are recoiling in horror at the totalitarian depths to which Australia has sunk. The...